8<33/ plot twist😮😬

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You woke up really stressed out for some reason. You got up and decided to take a shower in Jacobs bathroom because his shower is bigger.  You run the water on hot. You heard the door open and close.
Y/n: morning love
You say thinking it was Jacob. You un-foged some of the glass to look once you didn't get an answer back. You look and no one's there. You turn around and see Logan standing there fully clothed right behind you. You scream and hit him. He knocks out unconscious. Jacob came in and seen Logan laying on the floor of the shower. He grabs you and wraps a towel around you. He sets you on his bed and gets Thomas. You text your brothers to come over becuase you need them right now. They said they'll be there in 30. Jacob and Thomas come in the room.
Thomas: are you okay y/n?
Y/n: uhm..no not really
Thomas: well where gonna take care of him. Okay.
Y/n: okay.
Mia came into Jacobs room and she has never really had a full Convo with you yet.
Mia: are you okay?
Y/n: yes..but no not really...
Mia: here well let's let the boys take care of him and we can go to your room okay?
Y/n: okay..
Mia was being like a mother to you. Shes really never nice to me she just hangs out with sadie and Thomas. You guys walk into the room and you decided to change really quick. You chase a comfortable outfit.
Mia: so what happened?
Y/n: I was taking a shower in Jacobs bathroom and I heard the door open and close and I thought it was Jacob so I say good morning. When I got no answer I decide to look and no one was there, but when I turned around Logan was in the shower behind me. That's when I knocked him out.
Mia: why would he go in the shower with you?
Y/n: tbh idk. But me and Jacob have been having serious problems with him. Me and Jacob where supposed to talk to you and Thomas today about him but I guess I can just tell you since where already talking.
Mia: okay. I'm listening.
Y/n: so basically Logan makes me very uncomfortable, he always gives me looks like he wants to do something to me. Like almost something terrible. Yesterday me and Jacob went out for a dinner date and he followed us there.. he was by himself. So that made me very uncomfortable. When I went to use the bathroom yesterday at The restaurant he followed me in and...he..he...he tryed to do something bad to me but it just ending up being him kissing me. When I had a chance to  scream I scream and Jacob saved me..
Mia: omg I'm so sorry y/n...
She hugs you. You've never had a hug from Mia before.
Mia: ill talk to Thomas bout it okay love?
Y/n: okay. Uhm wanna go and see if they woke Logan up or what ever they are doing?
Mia: sure. Let's go.
You guys go over to Jacobs room which  was across the room. You guys walk in. You stopped, you held your arm out to stop Mia to. You over heard Jacob talking to Thomas.
Jacob: I really love her Thomas. She just doesn't show the same effection.
Thomas: hey man she loves you alot. You just gotta take it slow...
Jacob: yeah ik. She keeps telling me that but...but...I think it's because I beg her to much to have my kids...I see a future with her I just..i-i- I feel like the majority of times I begged her she got annoyed. Idk but I think it's just me tbh...
Thomas: look man, having kids is a big deal, but you seeing a future with her is really great. I see a future with Mia, and having kids but..I don't think about it that much becuase if you really think about it, you thinking about all these things is stressing you out. Your letting your thoughts get to you, I know for a fact she wants to have your kids you just gotta be patient though Jacob.
Jacob: I know...it-its just..
You heard him breaking down, crying..
Jacob: I don't think she loves me..
He says crying
Thomas: dude she loves you. She's just probably scared to say the 3 words yet.
Jacob: yeah probably
He says sniffling.
You heard the front door open.
Shit I forgot my brothers where coming over...
You quickly run out to the front before Jacob stepped out the door.
You ran and hugged Matt since he was the only one that came.
Y/n: where's Nick and Chris?
Matt: oh I forgot to tell you. Chris went shopping with Kayla and Nick he was to busy with editing. So I came since I don't have anything to do.
You grabbed his hand and led him to your room. You both sat down on the little couch in your room.
Y/n: I over heard Jacob. He was talking about how he thinks indont love him. I do love him I just can't really show it because I'm scared to get hurt again Matt. I'm really scared. After what happened with graham and how toxic that was. I love Jacob so much I just don't want to say the three words yet.
Matt: hey you'll be fine just find a different way to show your love to him. I mean there's multiple ways. Take him on a cute dinner or like to a romantic place.
Y/n: your right. Thanks Matt. Uhm wanna go down stairs to the theatre and watch a movie?
Matt: ofc and anyways we need to talk more hand hang out.
You guys leave your room. You seen Jacob staring at you as you walked out your room. You just gave him a slight smile. The smile was warm and reasuring, basically letting him know that you love him because you really do. You and Matt walked into the theatre. You both decided on watching the conjuring. After all the movies are done Matt had to leave. You gave him a hug, a really big warm hug.
Y/n; bye I'll kiss you Matt
Matt: I'll miss you to
You shut the door after Matt leaves. You turned around and bumped into Jacob
Jacob: I love you y/n.
Y/n: u-u-uhm i-i-
Jacob: do you love me y/n
Y/n; y-yes but uhm I feel like it's a little to early to say th-
Jacob: idc I just need to hear you actually say you love me.
Y/n:, Jacob I love you. I love you with all my heart. I've never felt like this with anyone else in my life. Your special to me. It's just that I wanted to save the three words for a specialer time..and I'm scared to say them to.
Jacob: I understand your scared I just needed to hear you say that you loved me. I've been letting stress take over me the past few days.
Y/n: oh okay. But I did mean what I said Jacob. I really do. I fucking love you Jacob.
Jacob gravs your hips and pulls you closer. You both touching each other. You wrap you arms around his neck.
Jacob: then show me that you fucking love me y/n.
You let go of him. You push him on the bed and get on top of him. You then passionately start making out with him. You pull away.
Y/n:, there I showed you believe me now?
You say sitting straight up. That made him throw his head back.
Jacob: y-yes I believe y-you n-now.
He says barely letting a full sentence out after what you did to him. You get off of him and go to your room. You sit at your vanity and get your writing journal out. You start making a list of why you love Jacob and what you would or could do to him. You then feel hands being placed on your shoulders.
Liam: what are you writing about?
Y/n: oh uhm nothing it's nothing.
You say in a rush and shut your journal.
Liam: I see, well I was wondering if you wanted to hang out later? Like maybe go get Starbucks or something?
He says taking his hands off your shoulders.
Y/n: u-u-uhm yeah sur- actually I'll see I might have plans...
Liam: okay let me know. And here my phone number so you can have my contact.
He says handing you a tiny slip of paper.
Sadie: Liam we going or nah?
Sadie says speaking to Liam at your door.
Liam: yeah give me one sec I'll meet you down there!
He shouts to her as she's running down the stairs in a hurry.
Liam: okay well I gotta go. Text me and let me know if where hanging out later or not okay?
Y/n: yup
You say opening your journal back up.
You continue writing some stuff.
-1 hour later-
You get out the shower and wrap a towel around you. Your back facing the door as your texting your brothers.
You feel hands wrap around your waist and a head on your shoulder. It was Jacob being clingy as usual.
Y/n:. Hi love.
Jacob: hey, so I was thinking maybe we could have a movie date night in my room!?
Y/n: uhm I'll think about it and I'll let y'know okay love?
Jacob: okay!
He says giving you a kiss and leaving. You quickly change and face time Liam.
Call with Liam
Liam: heyy
Y/n: hey, so uhm we cant hangout tonight I had something come up it's important. I'm sorry.
Liam: it's fine I had an important thing happen to so what about tomorrow for lunch maybe go to a cafè or something?
Y/n; yeah that's fine with me. Bye!
Liam: bye!
You hang up and place your phone down on the night stand. You lay in bed miserable. You felt horrible for dotching Liam like that. Kayla suddenly barges into your room.
Kayla; yo I like like like like your brother. Idk what to do y/n!!
She sits down next to you.
Y/n: just wait a little. Hang out with him more. Then confess your feelings.
Kayla: ik but I don't want to waittttt
Y/n: well to bad then Kayla I'm sorry idk what to tell you.
Kayla: ugh I give up.
Y/n: don't give up Kayla just wait it out. Time flies by fast, stalk his TikTok or insta or something to pass time.
Kayla: oka-
She was interrupted by a heavy knock on your door. She goes to open it and Logan is standing there sury in his eyes. He pushes Kayla out the door and locks it. He comes charging at you. He grabs your throat and holds you down.
Logan: listen here you little s!üt you are not going to tell anybody about this okay?
You couldn't even answer him nor yell for anybody he grabs you forgetting to cover your mouth. I manage to scream before he shut the bathroom door...

Jacobs POV

I hear a scream come from y/n room. I try opening the door but it's locked. I yell for Thomas but remember he left for a date with Mia. I face time him and ask him how to unlock these stupid code doors. After a bit I finally open hit. I don't see her. I hear weird noises from the bathroom. I open the door to see y/n half naked with Logan holding her.
Jacob: you sun of a bitch DONT TOUCH MY FUTURE WIFE.
I heard people running up the stairs. I punch Logan quickly and grab y/n. I set her in her bed and quickly throw a blanket over her so nobody can see her half naked. Liam, Sadie and Kayla come into the room.
Sadie: wtf happened?
I point to Logan's unconscious body on y/n bathroom floor...


I felt scared in this moment. Jacob tells everyone to leave. I called Thomas quickly.
Thomas: why are you shaking so much calm down please.
Y/n: sorry it just happened  again with Logan. Please tell him to leave I don't feel safe with him here.
Thomas: okay I'll talk to him later okay. Me and Mia will be back soon, where in the way rn.
Y/n: okay Thomas..
You hang up. Jacob comes near you. You flinch from his touch.
Jacob: babe I'm not going to hurt you I'm just making sure your okay. Did he do anything to you?
Y/n: no just giving me hickeys...
You say lieing notnwanting to tell the truth.
Jacob stands you up, he wraps a blanket around you and picks you up, your stradling his waist.
He sets you on his bed and gives you the hoodie he just had on. He turns on a movie and pauses it. He picks you up again and takes you with him to get snacks. He goes back up stairs and sets you back down on his bed. You both cuddle up to each other. After awhile you guys fall asleep.
You wake up the next morning to blue and red lights and screaming andnyelling from down stairs....

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