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Marie loved being the center of attention, she soaked it up at any given moment but now she could only cower behind her fathers leg. The pretty Navi lady and the big scary warriors had brought them to a tree. Other Navi surrounding the father and daughter with hostility. One man in particular had Marie shaking the Oloeytekan.

He spoke to Jake in a language she wasn't familiar with, neither was her dad.

"What's he saying" Jake asked Neytiri, the appointed translator.

"My father is deciding on whether to kill you or not" kill us! O great. Marie was double thinking about whether she liked the pretty Navi or not.

"Your father? It's nice to meet yo-" Jakes attempt to play nice was cut off as he was shoved back by the Navi. A cry escaped Marie as she was jostled by the giants towering over her.

Noticing his daughters distress, Jake grabbed her by her underarms and placed her in his arms. Holding her up with his left arm as she clung onto her dad by the neck. A wet Pooh in between the both of them.

"It's okay baby," Jakes right hand found it's way to her back, rubbing it up and down to calm her.

Where is her mother? Neytiri couldn't help but wonder, and why has he brought his daughter along to Pandora.

Neytiris thoughts were stopped by her mother as she walked down the trees steps.

"That is mother. She is tsahik. The one who interprets the will of Eywa". Neytiri informed the pair, her eyes following her mothers movements.

"Who's Eywa?" Their goddess, seriously daddy? Do you not pay attention to Norm?

The dragon lady circled the father and daughter, touching their tails and queues.

"What are you two called?" She spoke English!

"Jake Sully," he pointed to his chest, "my daughter Marie Sully".
Both Marie and Jake flinched as the lady sliced Jakes chest with what looked like a giant tooth. Bringing it to her mouth, the tsahik ran it across her tongue. Her eyes widening at the taste.

"Why have you come to us?"

"I came to learn."

"We have tried with other Sky people. It is hard to fill a cup that is already full."

"My cups empty, trust me" Jake smirked laughing at himself, "I'm no scientist. Just ask Dr. Augustine" his eyes constantly flickering between the Tsahik and Neytiris.

"What are you?" The tsahiks eyes were unwavering, a hard stare just like her daughters.

"I was a Marine. A warrior... of the jar head clan". Yeah, a warrior. Good thinking Jake. Said warrior praised himself.

After a tantrum from both Tsu'Tey and Neytiri, it was decided that Jake would train and learn their ways. While Marie would be taken care of by Moat — the tsahik.

"Learn well Jake Suli. Then we will see if your insanity can be cured" moats words thickened by her accent, her gaze threatening as before.

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