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trigger warning

February 5th 2023
3:28 am

Beginning of summer meant bonfires on the beach and skating to the pier. Vada loved summer, it meant she had an escape. She was free, at least for those eight weeks. Those eight weeks were always her happiest, where she had not a care in the world.

She slipped on her heels in her hand before opening the window, and sliding out onto the roof feet first.

"Vaids!" A voice whisper shouted from below. She looked down to see Josh's figure standing on her lawn. Or at least she thought it was him, it was past midnight and she was high.

"Catch" She called as she tossed him her heels. There was a ladder on the side of the roof that she cautiously climbed down. Soon as her bare feet his the grass she sprinted over to the boy holding her shoes.

"Why weren't you wearing your shoes?" He asked.

"Josh, do you really expect me to fucking climb down a ladder in five inch heels?" She scoffed as she held onto his shoulder as she slipped on her heels.

"I don't know! I've seen you do it before" He said getting flustered as he noticed her attire. Tight black dress that went to her mid thigh, spaghetti straps with a low top.

"So where is this party exactly?" She asked.

"Barn by the pier" The boy answered. The barn by the pier was actually nowhere near the pier, and by the town's golf course. It was the small town's party spot. It was somewhere Vada had spent most summer nights since she turned thirteen.

The two sixteen year olds walked with their arms lazily strung around each other across town. The cool summer breeze blew Vada's auburn hair into Josh's eyes. She teased him the whole walk over how her hair had continuously hit him in the face and it wasn't even that long.

Lying under her covers, more out of her mind than she'd like to admit. With flimsy hands she unscrewed the bottle, pouring remainder of the red pills into the palm of her hand. She counted thirty six. Tilting her head back, she took them in three counts of twelve, washing them down with a glass of iced tea she found in her room.

arch nemesis kenneth

gremlin vaids
im sorry
read 3:33 am

arch nemesis kenneth
vada what the fuck

arch nemesis kenneth
Are u okay
delivered 3:33 am

Josh's heart began to race as he read the banner appearing on his phone. He rubbed his eyes in disbelief. He had to have been dreaming.

"What the fuck" He muttered, trying to contain his reaction. He hadn't heard from her in over a year. As he read his text his mind began to wander. He couldn't loose her beyond repair.

"Josh you good?" Anthony asked over the loud music. Josh was drunker than he'd like to admit so it was quite easy to read his expression.

"Yeah, yeah. Just need air" He pushed out the words before stumbling towards the exit.

"You want me to come with?" Anthony offered.

"No. No I'll be okay. I'll be back in five" He was breathing harder. He stumbled through the crowd of people out the club's back door. The cold air was a relief, the club had gotten too hot, too crowded. He gripped onto the bars of the handicap ramp as he took a deep breath in. He wasn't sure how to deal with this. Her last words to him had been "I don't wanna talk to you". That was almost two years ago.

He let out a long breath before a tear slid from his eye. He wondered why he was crying. He shouldn't be. He thought he got over her after nearly two years of not speaking. Now here he was, crying at his 21st birthday party because now of all times was when she decided would be the best time to text him. She was someone he could never manage to shake. He loved that about her. He loved her. As more than his best friend. He didn't understand why she would do this. Was he all just a game? They had been fooling around longer than he could remember, but she never seemed to want anything more, so he didn't push it. God he missed her. He would do anything just to have her back in his life.

"Yo Josh" A voice pulled him from his thoughts. Anthony. Josh's hands shot to his face to wipe the tears that had fallen from his blue eyes.

"Yeah?" He coughed, trying to mask his hoarse voice.

"You've been out here like 10 minutes, you good bro?" Anthony asked, sounding concerned.

"Oh totally, was gettin' a bit to hot in there, all good now tho! Ant, we're both freshly twenty one, let's go do some legal shots!" Josh cheered as he put on his "big shot Ontario hockey boy" voice, and marched back into the club. God he hoped she was okay.



k, bye i love u -DARCYSBITCH

𝘀𝗵𝗲'𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗮𝗳𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗱, josh richardsWhere stories live. Discover now