Chapter 43: His Royal Highness

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The palace of the Ya'an Empire is in the shape of mountains, with one floor higher than the next, intending to approach the sky.

It is obvious that human beings have developed beyond the universe, but there are always some ignorant sustenance on their own planet.

It's like the cloud island floating above the imperial capital - a cemetery in the sky.

There was a refreshing heat in the air at the end of summer. Staying in the White Feather Hall halfway up the mountain, the silver-haired Theodore III was wrapped in a black and gold-colored dress with water ripples that showed the dignity of the emperor.

Sitting lazily on the blue velvet chair, with a luxurious finger-wrench dangling the wine glass, his eyes were squeezed like two crescent moons by his cheeks, "Why are you so free today?"

His Majesty, who was dubbed by Wei Lan as an 'orange cat', sighed slowly: "Recently, I have always been worried about the friction caused by the star field competition. I can't eat day and night, so you can come here today when you have time. I also want to have a better understanding of the military's plan for this matter."

Although he squinted his eyes, his eyeballs were very round, and when he tried to open his eyes, he looked like two beans.

But at this moment, the pair of beans are full of anticipation, "Qing is ready-when will you go to war?"

The elongated tone changed seven times and eight times, and it was better to speak than to sing.

in various senses.

Yu Qun sat opposite to Theodore III. Now the military is powerful, and the nobles including the royal family are weak. As the commander of the military, Yu Qun is already the veritable number one person in the empire in terms of power.

But he still followed the etiquette of being a courtier in front of Theodore III, put his long legs in order, and took off his military cap and put it aside. Hearing what Theodore III said, he was very restrained and did not ridicule .

It's just because he didn't expect that His Majesty the orange cat was going to take the stupid things he said on the TV seriously, so he was still a little surprised.

Yu Qun pondered for a while, and then replied unequivocally: "Your Majesty, the military department cannot immediately launch an expedition to the Marti galaxy."

Theodore III was suddenly dissatisfied, "Why?!"

"The obvious reason is that the distance is too far, and the opponent has great strength. If you want to start a formal war, you need to spend a lot of manpower and material resources, and the gain is not worth the loss." I haven't finished my family's affairs, so I ran all the way to someone else's house Fighting, he's not a fool yet.

"But the other party has harassed the border of our constellation many times, and keeps sending people to interfere with our internal affairs. As far as I know-" Theodore III narrowed his eyes and was very angry, "They are still trying to ambush you. If something happens to you , It is a catastrophe for the empire... Such thieves should be punished immediately! Only then can we show the majesty of our empire!"

Listening to Theodore III messing around here, Yu Qun replied casually: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, the military department will send more forces to maintain the stability of the territory."

This means that there is still no promise to go out.

Theodore III began to mutter again.

The marshal sitting opposite him straightened his back and seemed to be listening seriously, but his actual thoughts were no longer here.

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