Chapter 104: Call to Arms

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"Have you seen it?" Xu Ye, one of Baimo's contemporaries, greeted his companions, and said, "The battle list for the trials."

"Huh? Did it come out yesterday? What's the matter? You signed up?"

Kana also noticed the movement, stopped the self-training plan in her hand, wiped the sweat with a towel and walked over, with her ponytail swaying, she moved to the side and listened to them.

"Of course I didn't sign up." Xu Ye quickly opened his terminal and posted the page, "But Baimo signed up!"

Kanai was slightly taken aback.

The companions around Xu Ye also showed a little surprised look. Bai Mo has not been in the military headquarters recently, and he suddenly found out that he will have a competition the day after tomorrow.


"He'll just report. With his strength, maybe he can get a ranking in time." One person touched his head, not quite understanding what Xu Ye was fussing about. Could it be that he, like the people outside, thought that Bai Mo was a man? Vase?

"By the way, let's cheer for Baimo when the time comes."

"That's right, that's right, many people will go to Baimo at that time, we have him to control the situation."

Xu Ye yelled anxiously. He deliberately enlarged the page of Baimo, then pointed to the words in the air and said, "Look carefully, what project is he applying for!"

Gana looked up, and saw the words 'mecha single combat trials', her eyes widened suddenly, and she stood there in a daze.

The same was true for the rest of the contemporaries. Under dazed and shocked, they even looked at each other subconsciously, and after seeing the same expression on each other's faces, they asked with difficulty: "Baimo? Machine?" Mecha competition? Didn't we just start training mechas?"

They just completed the mental strength test more than a month ago, and selected people who can accept mecha training, and the mecha training has only officially started for less than two weeks.

As a result, Baimo is going to participate in the mech competition?

"His opponent...Job Shiwen, my God, is a colonel!"

When Kana heard the words, she couldn't help pushing aside the people in front of her excitedly, and carefully looked at the game information, but the word 'Colonel' was impressively written on the rank of the person who was fighting Baimo, and she gasped suddenly.

"Baimo... Did you report the wrong project?" Someone couldn't help asking.

In the past, military competitions and selections only allowed soldiers with more than two years of experience in the military to register. This year is an exception.

To be honest, it is very reasonable for Baimo to participate in the selection competition. As an honorary rookie of this year, he has such strong physical and gun fighting skills, and even has a lot of chances of winning in individual combat.

However, for mecha competition, this is really too much.

They have only just come into contact with mechas now, they have learned how to make the mechas operate and perform simple movements, how can they fight?

But at this time, a fellow student next to him suddenly shouted: "Look at the Internet!"

"what happened again?"

A group of people approached, and Kana craned his neck to watch, and then saw the long article on the screen.

She frowned, "What is this writing? It's so long, it's like a paper."

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