Chapter 81: Hostage of a school

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The people from the intelligence department quickly determined the location of Colonel Noel and reported the location to Yu Qun.

Yu Qun was still waiting for the investigation from the other side, but when he saw that Noel was at the No. 1 Military Academy, his hesitation turned into conviction.

Nuoer can only have one purpose in the First Military Academy, and that is Baimo!

Yu Qun strode away and walked outside, then ordered sharply: "The Ninth and Tenth Squads gather quickly and rush to the First Military Academy, block the entire line of the First Military Academy, but don't alarm anyone, and block any entrances and exits of the Imperial Capital at the same time." , including flights in and out of the air."

Wei Fu immediately passed down the order, "Yes!"

Yu Qun also ordered: "Send Black Star to the school gate as well."

Wei Fu was taken aback, did he just want to drive the mecha in the imperial capital? Has the situation reached this level?

But this doubt was only for a short moment, and he immediately gave orders quickly.

The reason why Yu Qun didn't choose to drive the mecha directly was because firstly, this is the imperial capital after all, and it is not allowed to drive the mecha casually in the sky above the imperial capital, and secondly, he didn't want to startle the snake with grass.

After arriving at the school, the ninth team and the tenth team had surrounded the school firmly, and the military aircraft was on standby above the military headquarters. At this time, Yu Qun had changed into a combat uniform and bulletproof vest. Put it in the holster under your armpit, "Do you know the exact location?"

"Yes, it's currently at the end of Veer Street, next to the Leeson Building on the Nursing Campus."

"It has been confirmed with instruments that the crowd near the target is not dense, and there is only one person beside him."


There is only one person, so there are basically few possibilities for who that person is.

Putting on the headset, Yu Qun's goose-gray pupils were as sharp as sword blades blazing cold, and he put a dagger into the dagger belt on his leg, and Yu Qun ordered: "Find five people to go in with me." , you are waiting outside."

He lurks into the school with someone, because he has already communicated with the school, and now he has called most of the students back to the teaching building, but now it is also the time for class, and there are no students on the school road.

Noel's location flashed on the single-sided lens in front of him, and Yu Qun quickly approached with people.

2000 meters, 1500 meters, close to 1000 meters--

However, at this moment, the campus radio suddenly sounded a beep, and after a brief electromagnetic sound, the man's clear voice sounded in the air in this area.

"Don't move, there are explosives."

Yu Qun suddenly stopped his steps.

Bai Mo abruptly stopped his movements, staring at Nuo Er with his eyes, and looked Nuo Er up and down, as if he was thinking about whether the bomb Nuo Er said was true or not.

Noel sighed, he frowned, looked at Baimo who was only two steps away from him, moved his finger away, turned off the radio system, his cold voice was somewhat helpless, "I actually want to leave quietly ."

Bai Mo sneered, "If you want to leave quietly, you shouldn't have come to me."

At this time, he could actually catch the opponent with just one stride and stretch out his hand, but he didn't dare to act rashly. Although he didn't smell the smoke of the bomb in the air, the technology in this world was much more advanced than his. The weapons here are not yet familiar, because he can't judge whether the bomb said by the other party is true.

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