Chapter 48: Boring mental power test

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Everyone once felt that they were the child of destiny and the center of the world for a while.

But as you grow up, you will gradually find that you are an ordinary person.

At their age, this year's recruits have almost realized the reality.

Know that you are an ordinary person.

But they suddenly discovered recently that they are not ordinary at all.

Very unusual.

Participate in an assessment and witness a history.

Participating in a mental power test, they have to witness history again...

"Thirty-four minutes, right?" They were no longer anxious at the moment, they were basically a little numb.

As a result, even the tone of the question became much calmer.

Even want to go out and hang out and come back :)

In the end, there were really people who were waiting impatiently and prepared to go outside for a stroll, but as soon as they went out, they froze in place.

"Too, too, Your Majesty the Madam!"

"Isn't the test over yet?" Julius asked dryly.

"Yes... yes, there is one more, everything else is over." Wow, His Royal Highness is so kind, just like his classmate.

"There is another one?" The blond young man showed a clear look, "How long has he been in there?"

"Thirty-four minutes...ah no, thirty-five!"

Julius was taken aback for a moment, even though he had a perfect score in the etiquette class, he couldn't help showing a bit of gaffe at this moment.

This is really... amazing.

Did TL7 actually send such a person as a gift?

"Thirty-six minutes..." The person next to Gana reported the time tiredly, and then he said with some collapse: "He won't stay in there for forty minutes?"

That would break the marshal's record.

It can't be so absurd.

However, at this moment, they no longer dared to make any predictions about Baimo's performance.

After all, after these two trips, they fully realized one thing - the person in the testing cabin at the moment is an existence beyond their cognition.

Still predicting what predictions, don't you think your face has been beaten enough?

Just when they thought that Baimo was going to stay in that cabin forever, the testing cabin stopped suddenly.

Those who started to get distracted immediately shivered and quickly glanced at the time. The timer showed 38 minutes and 15 seconds.

it's over! coming out!

Thank goodness! He finally couldn't hold on to the end!

Thirty-eight minutes... I guess people have to collapse? !

And at this time in the monitoring room, Xia Yin also frowned, staring at the testing cabin closely, with a heart almost in his throat.

Thirty-eight minutes, exceeding everyone's expectations.

So much so that no one can predict what state the upcoming Baimo will be in.

Xia Yin even directly gave an order to the staff in the testing area, "Let the medical staff get ready, and if something goes wrong after the person comes out, treat him immediately."

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