Chapter 22: Karna vs Yudhhisthir & Arjuna

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"I bow to you, Angaraj Karna. You at last have got everything in a second. I must congratulate you."

Yudhhisthir, the appointed Yubaraj or would be King of Hasinapur, was now telling this to Karna.

He stood tall. His attitude was royal yet a pinch of envy could be seen in there. His attire was white with white armor and dhoti. His helmet was also white. He was known as an intelligent man and advocate of justice. Hence he was justifiedly called "Dharma-raj".

Prince Yudhhisthir was a complex personality by himself. His urge for justice often considered as a bias. But
He was popular among masses. And by the vote of the masses he was now appointed as Yubaraj. He wanted to come personally to congratulate his opponent Karna unlike his brothers Bhim and Arjuna. They did not pay a damn to this socially backward Sut-putro. But not Yuddhisthir. His sharp intellect warned him against Karna. Till this morning he was just the elder son of charioteer Adhirath. But now he suddenly became the King of Anga province. He had to be given some emphasis after all.

"I hate that Sut-putro. I hate to meet him personally." Arjuna yelled in rage.
He could not be able to forget the challenge of Karna on the competition ground.

"Priyo Anuj (dearest young brother), you should not behave brutishly. We need to understand his mentality. He is now in our opponent's tent. Hence we have to be extra careful of him." Yudhhisthir tried to pursue him.

"But why don't we simply kill him?!!"
His middle brother Bhim asked.

"Because we are not murderers. And why should we do that?!! Even if he is in our enemy camp now, I respect him a lot. I don't want to harm him." He answered grumpily.

But why?!! We could easily get rid of him." Arjuna told him.

"No, Anuj, I don't. I told you thousand times that I respect him. And we are not like Duryodhan. We are not the killers. Killing any warrior outside of the battlefield is an insult to him. And he is a great warrior after all." He again replied to their queries.

Hence he forced Arjuna to join him. Bhim did not want to say no. But he had to remain with their mother, Kunti, who had not gained completely her consciousness till now.

Karna was sitting on the throne room of Duryodhan in thoughtful face. He did not know what to do now. Early tomorrow he had to go to Anga. His friend Duryodhan took the entire responsibility of convincing Karna's family on his behalf. Hence he was alone and aloof at the moment. He was thinking about the future. His upcoming future.

Suddenly Yusdhisthir burged into the room along with Arjuna. He uttered this above mentioned sentences.

Karna lifted his eyes to the handsome face of Yudhhisthir. He did not find any sign of sarcasm or mockery. Just a sign of enquiry.

"Thank you. But I don't think you are happy about that." Karna asked him.

"We should not. A Sut-Putro like you never deserve a title." Arjuna replied by stomping the feet in rage.

Yudhhisthir nodded his head in great displeasure. This yong brother of his needed to learn politics. He should not be so straight-forward to convey his feelings about anybody.

"I am sorry on his behalf. He is young. Hence stubborn." Yuddhisthir told him politely with a curt bow.

"I appreciate that. He is holding some grudges and don't like me at all. I like his straightforwardness." Karna told him curtly and added "But I want to know you very much."

"Why?!!" Prince Yuddhisthir looked genuinely surprised.

"Because he can't put on a mask (by pointing to Arjuna) but you definitely can. You are really interesting person. I want to know about you more." Karna had answered him. Slowly yet distinguishedly.

Yudhhisthir bit his lower lip in shock. This man was an worthy opponent. He could see his true face.

"When I was just a son of a socially backward class, you hated me from your heart. But when I got the title, you came to show me your gratitude all of a sudden. And why not?!! I am a socialite now. A King. Equivalent to you. Isn't it?" Karna snapped at him. And he seemed unstoppable "You told me that you don't accept the arrogant bruteness and imprudence of your brothers. But you did not stop any of them at the battlefield. Both Bhim and Arjuna, the greatest fighters of Indian continent, was cursing me nonstop. You did not dare to stop them. Yet you are sorry. Truly sorry. How wonderful indeed."

Arjuna grabbed his armor in his left hand and with threatening voice told him -

"How dare you insult by Bhratashree (elder brother) like that? I will cut out your tongue."

Karna lifted his eyebrows to his elder brother to see his reactions. His elder brother, Yuddhisthir, truly lifted his hands to stop Arjuna in vain. Karna smirked a bit by seeing this. He was truly right. Arjuna and Bhim were two independent inviduals who had enormous respect for their eldest, but they did not necessarily listen to his warnings all the times.

He then touched Arjuna's hand gently and put some pressure on his wrist. His fist opened by itself. Arjuna was taken aback. He did not expect Karna to be so powerful in strength.

"Now go Priyo (dear) Arjuna. Go and wash your hand very well. Because you have touched a Sut with your hand. Your hand must be dirty. But remember one little thing. One day we will meet at battlefield. Then either you or I will be left in this world. Both Karna and Arjuna can't live together. Never." Karna mocked Arjuna by telling these.

Alas, He predicted the future quite rightly. Very soon at Kurukshetra, his prediction was going to be fruitful. And both Yudhhisthir and Arjuna could not understand that one day they had to cry for this man whom they were now mocking in mind.


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