Chapter 27: Karna opposed Lakhagriha

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"I can't accept this proposal. I truly don't want them to die like cowards. They are warriors, not rats. I don't want them to burn down. If you want then call them at war. We will defeat them at battlefield."

Karna protested violently against his friend Duryodhan's evil proposal of Lakhagriha.

Shakuni bit his lip by his teeth. He had already understood the nature of Karna. He was scared of him. That was the reason why he did not convey his plan in front of Karna. After he went to Anga province to take charge, Mama Shakuni reveled his plan to his favorite nephews Duryodhan and Dusashan. He knew to convince them would be easy but not Karna.

But he opened his mouth agape to protest "Anga Raj, try to understand it. In love and war, everything is okay. It is war. Anything can happen."

"It called Chal or treachery." Karna answered him calmly.

"No. Neither treachery nor murder. I have tried to secure the position of my favorite Duryodhan in this state. You are loyal too him. I am too." Mama Shakuni answered him too.

Karna did not accept his reasoning but he knew that arguing with him could not convince him. So he left him and joined his friend Duryodhan who looked extremely happy by seeing him.

"Mitra (friend), do you think this is the proper criteria for being a Crown Prince? By killing Your own relatives and deceiving Your own people? Do you think it is acceptable for a future King?" Karna asked him.

Duryodhan looked back at his friend. He was happy to see him after so long times. At first when he befriended with Karna he was just using him for his own greed. But after this sudden interval he felt truly attracted to his friend. He missed him a lot. He tried to happily convey that message to his friend, but his sudden scolding was unexpected even to evil Duryodhan. He was taken aback by this attack.

"What are you talking about?!!" He looked at his friend surprisedly.

"You know what I am talking. I am talking about Lakhagriha. I am talking about Barnabat." Karna looked quite displeased.

Duryodhan did not understand what to say to his friend. He was searching his answer. Truly. He suddenly shared the same feelings of his maternal uncle Shakuni. He felt scared too.

"I don't know why I feel that (uncle) Kakashree did not want us to go to Barnabas?!!" Yudhhisthir looked for the first time restless.

"Then why don't you deny to go?!!" Bhim told him.

Arjuna did not want to take part of the conversation. He stood tall with his two younger siblings, Nakul and Sahadev.

"I don't think it is advisable to decline. It will prove that I am not worthy to be the Crown Prince of Hastinapur." Yuddhisthir replied truly. His analysis was right.

"Then what to do?" Bhim asked again.

"I don't know either. Mother is also willing to go with us." Yuddhisthir ran his hands through his hair and added "I will have to go to meet uncle Bidur personally. "

But Bidur did not get any chance to convey his message to Yuddhisthir as Mama Shakuni was following him at every second. When Yuddhisthir went to meet him he was happy but careful. While blessing him, Bidur suddenly told him -

"Bijoyi Vab (Be successful). Try to even learn from everyone. Even from rats to dig holes."

Yudhhisthir did not understand that but his intelligence warned him that his uncle had given a significant hint. But what kind of hint?!! He failed to realize it.

"Then are we going or not?" Arjuna asked his elder brother.

"Yes we are going there. But I warn you not to tell anything to mother. She will be afraid." Yudhhisthir told him.

Arjuna nodded in silence. He had no habit to argue with his elder sibling.

The next day, the five brothers and their mother came to Barnabat. They went to the temple of Lord Shiva to worship him. Then they came back to the palace and planned to stay for a fortnight there. From the very next day masses would come to meet their Crown Prince.

Yudhhisthir was pacing at his room in thought when suddenly a person came and bowed to him. He sharply turned back to him and asked -

"Who are you? What you want?"

It was true. They had been cleverly captivated inside the palace. Without permission of Mama Shakuni none could enter the house. Then who was this stranger??!!

"I am bird-catcher. I catch wild birds. I also can dig holes." The stranger answered him.

With a jolt the Crown Prince stared at him. He understood everything. This stranger was sent by his uncle Bidur to save them from danger. He had remembered the voice of his uncle "Try to learn from everyone. Even from rats to dig holes."

He sighed hard and signalled the man. He nodded in agreement. Bhim came forward at seeing his brother's signal. They went together inside to dig the hole inside the palace. The time was very short. Just a fortnight.

"I don't accept it till now. No, I will never allow you to do that cowardly deeds. Mitra (friend), why don't you understand it is your insult?" Karna tried to convince Duryodhan for the last time. In some unknown reason he felt sad. His heart ached merely by thinking of that. He also did not know that his blood was calling him.

But his friend was not listening to his warning. He was waiting his cousins to die like rats inside the hole. Only a fortnight. After that people would know that the drank Pandavs were asleep after drinking alcohol whole night and accidentally all of them got burned down. Burned and finished. All finished. The crown was now his. Just his.


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