7. Real Kiss

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For the next week, I spent my time with Dew while Bright spent his time separately from us with Nani. I think both Dew and Nani have had enough of us already.

We got a small break from college, and I decide not to hang out with my friends and have some quality time with my family. During dinner, my mom brings up this certain person that I DON'T  want even to mention.

"So, how's your friend doing?" she asks.

"Which friend? Nani or Dew?" I ask.

"Bright. You didn't talk about him recently. Anything happened with him?"

"What is there to talk about him? He's an idiot."

"Aww. Don't say that."

Just then, our doorbell rings, and I decide to see who it is instead of making my mom stand up. I walk to the door and open it only to find Nani, Dew and... Bright outside. I look at them confusedly, but Dew shoves me aside and walks inside.

"We thought you were dead. You didn't show up for our guys' nights at all. What happened to you?" Nani asks.

"Oh. I decided to skip it." I say. "I was having dinner. You guys had dinner?"

"Yeah. We are up for a movie night. You got a home theatre, so~" Dew says.

"Ohh. You are here for the home theatre, not to check on your friend, I see." I joke.


My mom comes to the living and notices my friends.

"Oh, it's you guys. We were just talking about Bright. Good timing." she says.

Oh. My. God.

I look away when Bright looks at me.

"What was he saying, auntie?" Bright asks, being the innocent one.

"No-" I try to beat into it, but mom's quicker than me.

"I was saying how he didn't bring your name up these days. If not, usually, he always talks about you. Bright did this, and Bright did that. Bright got a girlfriend. So on."

Okay. Just kill me already.

Mom let us go upstairs to the home theatre after giving us some snacks. The whole time Nani and Dew snicker behind me about what mom told them. Meanwhile, Bright is silent, and I feel so awkward.

We set up our snacks and put on a movie to start the movie marathon. The first was a comedy selected by Nani, and the second was an animation. During the animation film, Dew shifted to the ground, leaving Bright and me next to each other.

"Didn't know you liked me that much. To talk about me with your mom," he says. I already expected these sarcastic words from him.

I roll my eyes at him, "Yeah. I said how much I love you."

"Exactly. It didn't seem like you said anything bad about me," he smirks.

I scoff, "Dream on. I was just being nice, not telling her anything bad about you. Thank me for that."

"Why should I?"

"Did you two start bickering again?" Dew asks from the ground, and I notice the third film has started rolling, and Nani is all asleep since the movie is a romance-comedy. He hates those.

"No." both Bright and I say at the same time.

Then we continue watching the movie, and it was until I get a phone call. My phone lies between Bright and me, and the first to see the caller's name is Bright. He stiffens in his seat and pushes my phone toward me.

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