15. Doubt

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"So, how was the date yesterday?" Dew asks us, making Win choke on his food. I pat his back while speaking,

"It was great. We went to a bowling alley and had a great time. Ah, also, the food was great there. You guys should try it out sometimes." I say.

"We will... but the main question here is~ did you guys do something?" Nani asks with mischievousness in his eyes.

"Yeah. We did a lot of things." I say.

Win flicks my forehead, "He's not asking about games. He's asking about something else."

"Exactly. I mean, did you guys kiss or straight away, did it?" Nani snickers.

"Unfortunately, we didn't do anything. Yet." I say with a dramatic sigh.

"You shameless prick." Win hit my upper arm.

"Aww, why are you hitting me? I was being honest."

"As if I would do anything with you."

"When the time comes, you'd beg for it."

"Shut up. Don't say perverted stuff to me! I will break up with you." Win warns me.

"I didn't know we were dating!"

"I- I didn't say that!"

"Didn't you guys hear him say that we are dating?" I ask the two in front of us.

"We did."

"We sure did."

Both of them agree, making Win even redder.

"I am going to kill you," Win warns me.

"I am going to kiss you."

Win drops his utensils and gently bangs his head on the table.

"He's had enough, Bright. You are bothering him too much." Dew says, poking Win's head. Win doesn't raise his head but stays with his head slammed on the table, tired of my playfulness.

"Aww. He loves it when I make fun of him. Cupcake, when can we move to the same place and live together?" I ask, trying to get on his nerves again.

"Did you guys know there are seven trillion nerves in the human body?" Win suddenly asks, raising his head. "Bright has got in each of mine. In all seven trillion!"

"Damn. I am so happy. So I am in every inch of your body, I assume. How great is that!" I exclaim.

"Guys, I am going to the library, where I can peacefully breathe without this nuisance." Win gets up from his seat and leaves our table, making me pout and look at my two friends.

"Seriously, I don't know how he's coping with your stupid ass." Dew facepalms.

"Is it only me?! I have to cope with his stupid ass! Hmph. I am leaving. I have to bother him a bit more."

I leave my two friends, who look at me in disbelief. I walk to the library, doubting he'll be there as he's not that much of a reader. But since he told us the location before, I think he might be there. When I walk inside, the library is almost empty, with only two students studying inside.

I walk in circles in search of Win and find him at the corner part of the library, sprawled over a bean bag and scrolling down his phone. Now all I have to do is mess with him.

"You told me you are coming here because you wanted me to come to you, am I right?" I ask, sitting next to him.

"And here you are again! I thought I finally got rid of you." he groans, putting his phone away.

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