Sollux's POV:
It's almost time for me two get off work. I work at a coffee shop and there is always this one asshole that comes here every fucking day. His name is Eridan... I think. I'm surprised that he hasn't showed up yet, but as soon as I thought that I hear the door open and there he is.
"Hey Sol!!!"
"II told you two 2top calliing me that!!"
"Fine, wwhatevver you say, sol"
Is he trying two piss me off?!
"What do you want a22hole?"
"I wwill havve my usual"
He always gets a Expresso, nothing else. Whenever I make it, I try two fuck it up, just so he will stop coming here. He pays for it and he takes a seat at his usual table, man, that guy must be disliked or something because he always sits alone, no friend, no girlfriend... or boyfriend. I make his drink and take it to him.
"Here you go, wiith extra 2hiit iin iit, ju2t how you liike iit"
I give it two him and left. The asshole can enjoy it. I get ready two leave, i take my uniform off and grab my bag, and he is still here!
"Hey, go home a22hole! Iit2 clo2iing tiime!"
"I wwas wwaitin for you sol!!
"Leave my alone, ii have plans"
"Wwith wwho? Is it a girl, or a boy?"
I look over at him, he's smirking, like he knows something.
"What ii2 wiith the 2miirk?"
"I heard that you are goin out wwith kar! Is that true sol?"
I couldn't say anything, because it was true.
"I'm gonna take your silence as a yes, sol, I thought you liked ara!"
"No! II have never liiked her, we are and always wiil be ju2t friiend2"
We get two the movie theater and karkat is standing there, waiting for me.
Karkat's POV:
There is sollux..... and eridan? Why is he here?!
"Hey sollux, why is eridan here?"
"Oh! Hi kar, i wwas just leavvin, havve fun you twwo"
And with that he left.
"I thought you hated eridan!"
"II do, we were ju2t talkiing after work, he wa2 there"
Sollux's logic made no sense so I ignored it.
"Ready to go?"
Sollux nodded in reply. We walked over and bought two tickets, then we went and sat in the theater. Sollux was sitting really close to me, but i didn't say anything, i kinda liked it. The movie starts and sollux finishes off his candy. About an hour later the movie finally ends and we both are exhausted.
"Hey KK, II have 2omethiing to tell you"
He is looking down as he said that, holy shit! Is he going to ask what I think he is?!
"KK, II-"
I interrupted him with a kiss, I can tell that both of us are blushing. He breaks the kiss, his face is pure red.
"I'm sorry!!"
He laughs
"Well, II know the an2wer to that!"
I don't even know what he was going to say! God! Why am i so stupid?!
"T-the answer to w-what?"
He looks at me, then he looks at the ground, his face is still pure red.
"KK, II was goiing two a2k iif you wanted, ii mean you don't have two, but do you want to maybe be my boyfriiend?"
Holy shit! Was this happening?
"Sollux, I would love to be your boyfriend"
He looked up and there was the biggest smile on his face, I think i just made his day!
Feferi's POV:
Yes, yes, yES, YES!!! Finally!! This is possibly the best day ever! Aradia asked me out! Because of her I know that I'm am not straight, I don't know my sexuality yet. I have been messaging Aradia all glubbing day!!!
"W)(at is your favorit-e s-ea cr-eatur-e?"
"Turtles, I d0n't kn0w many underwater creatures, s0rry"
"Hahahaha, it's okay!! Glub glub, good t)(ing w-e ar-e going to t)(-e aquarium tomorrow!!! I can t-each you a lot about s-ea cr-eatur-es!!!!"
I can tell she's smiling, I don't know how but I have a feeling.
"That w0uld be fun!"
I look at the time, holy shit! It's already 11:36 pm?!
"Aradia, I t)(ink w-e should go to sl-eep soon"
"Yeah, I'm getting pretty tired, I will message y0u t0m0rr0w when I get up"
"Alrig)(t!!! Goodnig)(t!!!!!"
With that, I get up to go to bed, remembering I should probably shower. I walk to the bathroom and the only thing on my mind is her, and how she makes me feel.

SolKat and AraFef (Humanstuck)
FanfictionIt's mah first fanfic so hopefully its good. I decided to put two ships in this story. Sollux X Karkat and Aradia X Feferi. I think both ships are fantastic so I thought why the hell not. So hopefully you enjoy dis.