Aradia's POV:
It was time for mine and Feferi's date, I've been so fucking excited, I am sitting on a bench outside of the aquarium waiting for her. About 5 minutes of waiting I hear her cheerful voice.
")(-ello Aradia!!"
"0h! Hahaha, hell0 Feferi, are y0u ready?"
She nodded in reply and we quickly made our way into the aquarium. We were looking at the fish when I get a phone call from Sollux.
"Hi S0llux, h0w are y0u"
I can tell he's been crying.
"KK ii2 iin the ho2piital...."
My heart stopped when he said that, Feferi could tell something was wrong.
"Is ev-eryfin okay Aradia?"
"Karkat is in the h0spital, I am speaking t0 S0llix right n0w."
"S)(ouldn't w-e go t)(-er-e and s-ea if ev-eryfin is okay?"
"W0uld that be 0kay with y0u S0llux?"
"Ye2, II need people here riight now"
"We will be there right away"
With that I hang up and we start making our way to the hospital.
Sollux's POV:
I've been at the hospital for about 2 hours and they still wont let me see him. It is making me so fucking worried and I need people here with me, I almost considered calling Eridan but I decided not to, I don't want fishdick to keep me company. I look at the doors and I see Feferi and Aradia, I run towards them and hug them tightly.
"It's going to b-e okay Sollux!!! W-e ar-e )(-er-e for you! 38D"
I look at her with tears going down my face and I sniffle.
"Thank you both 2o much."
"Y0u are very welc0me, that's what friends are f0r"
I couldn't help but smile when she said that, I can actually trust them both.
"II hope you two weren't bu2y when II phoned"
They both go quiet for a while then Feferi finally said something.
"No! You didn't int-errupt us, w-e w-er-e just about to go look at t)(-e s-eacr-eatur-es at t)(-e aquarium, but w-e can do that anot)(-er day!! )(-ey! )(ow about w)(-en Karkat is f-eeling b-ett-er w-e all plan to go to t)(-e aquarium tog-et)(-er!!!"
I sit and think about that for a few moments and I nod in agreement.
"That 2ound2 liike a lot of fun, thank you, but ii2 that okay wiith you AA?"
"Yes, it s0unds like fun"
I can kind of tell that she only wants it to be her and Feferi.
"Oh, iif you want two, iit can only be you and FF."
"N0 n0 n0! Feel free t0 c0me with us. It will be fun!"
About an half hour later a nurse comes out.
"Mr. Vantas can have visitors now, but only one at a time."
Both of the girls look over at me and I slowly get up and walk over into the room. I look over to the bed and I see Karkat laying there. I start tearing up as I walk over to the bed.
"II'm here KK. Don't worry about u2. We all are here, everyone ii2 worriied about you. They all are hopiing that you're ok"
I grab his hand while tears go down my face.

SolKat and AraFef (Humanstuck)
FanfictionIt's mah first fanfic so hopefully its good. I decided to put two ships in this story. Sollux X Karkat and Aradia X Feferi. I think both ships are fantastic so I thought why the hell not. So hopefully you enjoy dis.