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A white coat hung around the desk chair's headrest. A body lied back weakly against the cushion. The eyes fixed on a paper. A thinniest thing could turn his life 360 degrees.

" Happy Anniversary, my Woobear " Jiwoo wished, handling a velvet box.

With a file under it.

That is what you want, right?

A heavy breath escaped the lips. Jeongwoo squeezed his eyeballs tight as his fingers were noble around his forehead.

His head snapped to the door when a banging sound hit his ears. " Park Jeongwoo " He called

A figure came with a woman behind. " I'm sorry, doctor " She bowed " I already told him that you did not want to have any patients today " She talked as her eyes studied the ground.

" It's okay, Hiyyih. You may go now "

Bahiyyih bowed once again before she stepped out of the doctor room, sealing the door tight as she let them have their own privacy.

" Don't want to have any patient? " He scoffed

" Jeongwoo, what have you done? " the man dropped another question. But it got swayed along the air as Jeongwoo sealed his mouth tightly.

" I let her go because I trust you Park Jeongwoo. And what the hell did I hear? " He jeered " You cheated on her?! " He raised his pitch higher and higher as he screeched aloud.

As if he has no ability to talk, Jeongwoo hung his head low. Not replying to any of this man's words.

" Answer me, Park Jeongwoo! "

" This is a hospital, Park Jihoon " Jeongwoo yelled back " Keep your voice low."

A disbelief scoff came out of his lips, Jihoon gritted his teeth as his eyes fixed on the nameplate on the table.


His hand dodged that thing as it hit the wall, breaking its edge. His chest raised up and down as he tried so hard to hold back his anger.

That was a good thing about Jihoon. He would never physically hit his brother no matter how mad he is. But things around him will end their useful life.

" Do you still love her? " Jeongwoo finally opened his mouth.

A death glare was put deep into Jeongwoo's eyes. " I will take that as a yes " He said, pulling his chair closer to the desk.

His hand grabbed the pen and hit it against the wooden surface to get the tip out of it. Jihoon watched his doings as Jeongwoo harshly scratched on the paper.

" Do you want her back? " Jeongwoo got on his feet. His eyes were on fire, shooting it straight to Jihoon" Get this and bring it to the court " He tossed the paper and stormed out of the room harshly.

The paper flew up to the air before it wiggled to the left and right when it finally landed right in front of Jihoon.

Which left him dumb in word by the time he read its content.



Step by step, they swayed their legs to reach each other. A bow was given to serve respect for their last moment. He took out his hand as she grabbed it and shook it up and down.

" I am happy to know you, Eun Jiwoo "

" I am happy to have memories with you too, Park Jeongwoo "

In seconds, they let their position stay for a while. Took a sight of the ex-lover before they parted ways.

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