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Jeongwoo pushed down the circle button on the phone and spoke " Is Bahiyyih there? "

" I'm speaking, doctor " The voice slipped off the speaker.

" Is Jungwon already in his room? "

" Oh, I didn't see h- " Bahiyyih stopped before he heard her speak again " oh good morning doctor " she greeted. Jeongwoo can't see but he can hear Bahiyyih smile behind the speaker.

" Doctor Jungwon just arrived, Doctor. Do you need any help? "

Jeongwoo bopped his head as if Bahiyyih could see him " uhh " he paused, hesitating. " actually yes. can you clear us up for only 30 minutes? "

" Ah " Bahiyyih spoke, Jeongwoo heard the pen clicking before he heard it scrabble on the paper " yes, I can. Anything else?

" That's all. Thank you hiyyih " He said, plucking the headset back to its receiver.

Jeongwoo took off his white coat and threw it across the chair. He went to the door and slid it open before he slid it back close right after he stepped out of his room.

Jeongwoo's feet found its ways to a room that is only located 15 steps far from his. Dr. Jungwon Yang was written on the door. Jeongwoo brought his hand up and hit his knuckles on the wooden.

He slid the door open as soon as he heard Jungwon allow him to enter.

" Yes, Jeongwoo. Why are you here? " Jungwon asked

" You are in charge of my treatment, right? " Jeongwoo landed his butt on the chair that was on the opposite side of Jungwon.

Jungwon nodded his head twice " why? Is your head hurting? "

" No " Jeongwoo denied " But, I find it hard for me to remember things these days. Is that one of the effects? "

Jungwon's lips twisted between his teeth before he threw a question " Is there something else? "

Jeongwoo made a hissing noise as his head tilted " My appetite getting bigger as well " He answered with a pout.

Suddenly the saliva held a bitter taste. Jungwon gulped down his saliva hard and forced his lips to turn up " It is nothing serious " Jungwon said, sounding convincing.

" With your current condition, it is normal for you to feel that way " he continued.

Slowly, Jeongwoo's face was drawn with a relief smile " Glad to hear that "

Jungwon nodded hesitantly " Is that all? "

Jeongwoo got up on his feet " yes " and bowed 90 degrees " thank you "

Jungwon only responded with a smile as his eyes followed Jeongwoo out of his room.

Until the door clicked shut, Jungwon plopped his weight behind and sigh heavily.

" How can I tell you? "


" Have you heard Yedam's new song? "

Harin immediately pulled out her phone after Jiwoo shook her head, responding as a no.

Her fingers wobbled on the phone screen that white casting Harin's face with its brightness. Harin then pushed her phone to reach Jiwoo's sight as the new music video of Yedam's new masterpiece was just released last night and displayed on its LCD.

Jiwoo sat back and listen. The filmography of the video was high quality as it spiced up with Bang Yedam's soulful acting.

A tear began to pool up in her eyes. The mix of being sad because of the current break up and happy seeing him comeback after Yedam took a year of hiatus after the news of their dating was leaked online. 

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