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4 years later...

The fields were parsley-green. Leaves blew along with the cold air, biting the bones up. The sun showed up but it did not burn the temperature up.

A hall was decorated with a gold black theme. Not forgetting the three-storey cake was baked, placing it in front of the stage. A circle shape signboard was placed in front of the wooden door, guiding the guest for not being mistaken with another bride.

Congratulations on your wedding!
Park Jihoon
Shin Hyerin

The spaces were bathed with laughter. Two family was happy to greet their new in law. Not forgetting the friends that were also celebrating their friends settling down with their lovers.

Jihoon finally settled down with a colleague of him. Take a long time to move on from his last-long ex, Eun Jiwoo.

But now Jihoon chose to open a new chapter with his new lover, Shin Hyerin.

" Calling for the bride's family to go up the stage for the photography session " The dj spoke.

Hyerin's family was big enough as the stage was filled up with people. She is the last child. It was reasonable as all of her older siblings already built their own family. 

A blinding light struck against their eyes as the camera flashed activated every time the snap button was pressed, taking a scene of their big day.

The day they become a king and queen for a day.

" Thank you, Shin's family. Now it is the groom's family turn to capture the memories for the bride on the stage. "

Jihoon stretched up his neck longer with his eyes trailed all over the hall as if he was looking for someone. Hyerin noticed it before she asked " Why? "

" Hm? " Jihoon hummed " I was just looking for Jiwoo, she should have joined us for my family's picture "

Jihoon's answer making her jerked her head to the side, facing the man beside her as Jihoon turned his head to her as well " Why? "

" Are you still longing for her? " Hyerin wondered aloud.

Jihoon made a hissing sound as he shot his eyes up, thinking of the answer to her question " In the past, maybe " Jihoon curled his lips downward and bounced his head twice.

Hyerin then studied the ground, she felt small. She knew how hard Jihoon had loved that Eun Jiwoo girl. Even right now she felt like Jihoon was not fully moved on yet.

Jihoon placed his palms on the back of her hand before he gripped it tight " But now, I'm longing for you " Jihoon drew a smirk on his face.

" Let me see your face " Jihoon uttered when Hyerin gave him no response. He placed his index finger under her chin to lift her face up. " Now you are already my wife, Park Hyerin "

Hyerin gasped dramatically as she put her palm against her lips " Park Hyerin? " She screeched.

Jihoon threw his arms around Hyerin's body, squeezing her tight " Aigoo, you already my wife " He said, stroking his hair against her cheeks, getting a giggle from her.

Both of them froze in place when a clicking sounded was heard, shooting a flashing light against them.

Jihoon and Hyerin turned their head to look at the light's source, seeing their Jinyoung hyung grinning sheepishly.

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