The trails

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Keith's pov

I stare at Shiro as if he was crazy in thinking I would leave with out my knife. "No I will not leave with out my knife my mother left me." I say turning to look at 'Antok' "give me back my knife and what does my knife have to do with ur 'organization' anyways"

Antok looks at kolivan and kolivan says " we can not tell you but to get knowledge you must do the trails."

I look at him with curiosity "what are the trails?"

"Knowledge or death is the trails if you want to know more about the blade you hold." Kolivan said calming analyzing me to see if I'll back down and leave or stay and do the trails.

"When do the trails start?" I asked calmly.

"Now." Antok said.

Ulza and Thace looked at each other then Kolivan and Antok. They gave them a look that said 'what are you doing and thinking?!'

3rd pov

As the blades looked at each other, keith and Shiro were having a conversation about why keith decided to do the trails.

"Keith are you crazy?! Why would you choose to do the trails it's called knowledge or death for a reason and I'm guessing for good reason?!" Shiro whispered yelled.

"Shiro I need to know why I have that blade from my mum and if this is how I have to do it the so be it." Keith said a little aggravated.

Keith and Shiro hear a throat clear behind them. " follow me we will start the trails when we get there.
Antok give the red palidan the blade."kolivan said

Antok gives Keith the blade as they started to walk towards and elevator to take them to the trail arena.

"Kolivan is this really a smart idea to let someone who may not even be galar do the trials?" Thace ask

"He wants to do it the we will let him if he does not awaken the blade we take the blade and they leave with no alliance." Kolivan said calmly

Thace,ulza and Antok all turned slightly to see Keith and Shiro. " I have a bad feeling something is going to happen." Ulza said somewhat worried

"We are here. Keith go through that door." Kolivan said pointing to the left.

Keith walked through the door to see one blade standing there.

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