Knowledge or death

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Keith's pov

I walked through the door kolivan pointed to and saw one blade standing in the middle of the room.

"Just give up the blade, paladin u can't win." The blade at the centre said

"No, not until I get answers!" I yell

"Then let's fight."

As we get into fighting stances the blade activates their blade. The blade lunges at me so I jump to the left to avoid being stabbed. We fight for 3mins before I take them down with a thud.

"You are not meant to go through that door." The blade said out of breath

"As if I'd listen to you."I said

As I went through the next door there were two blades standing there and said the same thing as the first one. We fight and it lasted 5mins before I had won and went through the next door where 4 blades stood. And the cycle continued for about 6 hours the number of blades doubling every time I got through the door.

~with Shiro and kolivan~

Keith has been fighting for 6 hours now and still would not give up.

"Why does you friend insist on continuing this trail instead of giving up the blade?" Kolivan asked curiously

"Keith is stubborn, hard headed and strong of will. He will not give up until he has his answer." Shiro said worried for Keith

Shiro looked at kolivan with a look of recognition before saying " if Keith finishes ur knowledge or death trials, would we have an alliance?"

"Maybe that also depends on me meeting ur leader." Kolivan said calmly

~with kieth~

As I finished taking down the blades in the room I'm in, I stepped through the door to see the blades rise from the floor and feel like that's were I had to go.

"Lets end this now and just give up the blade." A blade I recognized as Antok said

"NO!" I yell mad

As we fight I took down all the blades but Antok. As me and Antok fight he slashed my left shoulder and draws blood from the wound. I hold back the urge to whimper, even though I stopped making those sounds when I was 7 years old.

I see the door open I'm on the floor and it starts to close so I throw my blade and make it not able to close. I slid under Antok and grab my blade and I went in to the room below.

As I hid the ground I walked/limped to the middle of it before passing out from exhaustion and blood loss (not enough to be fatal). As I regained "consciousness" I see Shiro standing there helping me up.

"Come on Keith just give up the blade and let's leave." 'Shiro said

"No I won't Shiro wouldn't tell me to give up and u r not the Shiro I know." I said mad

I push past Shiro and stumble towards the door. I see my old home the shack and my father is standing there and told me to give up the blade and not to go out the door to see the fighting outside.

"I'm sorry pa. But I can't do that."I said

I turned and walked out the door and i regained consciousness I see Shiro and all the blades that were there to greet us when we first arrived. 

"Keith!"Shiro yell running towards me

Shiro helped me stand and put my arm around his neck to help me stand.

"U fail the trials hand over the blade and leave" a blade said I don't remember the name of.

"I did your trials i I finished them what else is there?!" I said annoyed

"You didn't awaken the blade." The blade with the braid said

Antok lounges to grab the blade from me but Shiro blocks him with is Galran arm.

"STOP!!" I yell "Just take the blade I don't care anymore just take it and let us leave."

After I said that the blade started to glow and then grew into a sword. Everyone of the blades look at me in shock before kolivan said

"You have awakened the blade you have galran blood in you."

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