The team's reaction

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Shiro's pov

I was glaring at Keith since I heard he had galar blood in him. As Keith said we would reach the castle in 2 minutes. The blades are talking amongst themselves and in a different language.

"We are at the castle the others will be waiting for us." I said trying not to sound rude to the blades.

As we landed the blades were still talking amongst themselves. After I said that they nodded and waited for me to lead the to the princess.

"Open the red lion hatch,Keith." I said with venom in my voice.

The second I said that Keith looked scared, and hurried to open the hatch and the blades looked at me with a look of confusion and disappointment.

We walked out of red to see allura, Coran, lance, pidge and hunk all standing there. I greet them when we reach them.

Blades pov

We noticed that Shiro was being cold and rude towards Keith. We see Keith scared of the black paladin and seems to be scared of his team's reaction.

We get out of the red lions and see the athenians and the rest of Voltron there to greet us. They introduce themselves to us.

"Hello, my name is princess Allura, this is my royal advisor Coran and these are the paladins."  Prince allura said well pointing at herself and coran and the gesturing to the paladins.

"Hey I'm pidge the green paladin,this is hunk  the yellow paladin, and lance the annoying blue paladin and u already know Shiro and Keith the black and red paladins." The green paladin said

"Hey I'm not annoying u little gremlin." Lance says irritated.

The blades look at each other before Kolivan states " Thank you for having us. I hope we can for a good alliance with each other since you have a hybrid on ur team."

The paladins look at each other excluding Shiro and Keith. "What do you mean we have a hybrid on our team?" Allura states confused.

"The red paladin is a galra hybrid mix with human dna how much is present we are unsure of as of right now." Ulaz states while point to Keith who looks ready to run and hide.

The paladins, Allura and Coran all look shocked before turning to Keith and asking "Is this true Keith are you part galran?"

Keith looks at everyone before looking down and softly nodding his head yes.


Everyone else stood in shock. Keith had tears in his eyes as he was screamed at. The blades look horrified at what came from the princess' mouth at one of her team mates.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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