* 𝚆𝚎𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝙷𝚘𝚖𝚎 *

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Sahara Desert, Egypt, Present day

           "The shipments were delayed, the sandstorms have been too violent for safe transport, taking into consideration these artifacts' delicate state, shipments at this time would not be a wise decision."

           "They've been delayed three times this month! The museum is expecting them in only a few weeks, which is hardly enough time to get them properly packaged, cleaned, examined, and loaded onto a plane."

"We're doing all we can, what else would you have me do?"

           "Get them to the warehouse, I don't care if you have to deliver them in an aircraft carrier or on the backs of camels, just deliver them on time."

           "Of course sir, I'll see what I can do." A sand beaten man walked away and out of sight behind an ancient stone column. 

           The young man he had been arguing with, named Giles, breathed a dramatic sigh, as he walked through the massive chambers of the temple. It had only been a few weeks since its discovery and many of its vast rooms had been cleared out and photographed, in addition to many of its secret religious rooms being opened within the first few days of exploration.

           Every artifact not attached to the overall structure of the building was being transported to planes so they would be sent to museums around the globe. Yet their biggest load of precious  cargo had been delayed one too many times, and the Smithsonian had a stone set deadline and millions of dollars in cash payment that shouldn't be overlooked.

           Giles pushed aside a drop cloth hanging from an arched doorway and into a high ceilinged room that had been cleared for artifact inspection and polishing. Tables and shelves had been loaded with aged yet colourful objects, boxes, and statues of richly adorned Egyptian gods which stood ten feet tall.

           "Cassidy, the shipments were delayed again, I spoke to the head of transport just a second ago and he said he's working on it."

           A woman in cargo pants and a white safari-style shirt called from a corner of the room, she was polishing the gold cuffs of a statue of Anubis. Her skin was crisped from the Egypt sun and her dark curly hair was tied loosely in a pony tail.

           "If it gets stalled one more time, I'll have that man's head on a platter," she said slowly, rolling up her sleeves before digging out some dirt between Anubis' fingers. There was a large scar from her finger that stretched up her arm.

          Giles chuckled and continued, "Also Cristián Samper's secretary called and is scheduling a meeting with him; you'll be flying to DC in a month on a private jet."

           Cassidy only laughed and shook her head. "He's getting anxious. Tell the secretary I'll meet him — "

           Giles tapped away on his cell, nodding.

           " — and that I like my margaritas with extra lime."

           Smirking, he continued typing, but then seemed to remember something. Pulling a magazine clipping out of his breast pocket, he handed it to Cassidy, looking solemn.

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