* 𝙶𝚘𝚘𝚍𝚋𝚢𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚍 *

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The sky was gray and the freezing wind whistled past the open door of the mansion. The Hargreeves family made their way outside in a single file line and started across the field towards a towing elm tree. Close by, was a large metal statue of a young, solemn boy. There was a plaque underneath it that said 'May the darkness within you find peace in the light.'

All seven surviving Umbrella siblings formed a semi-circle around Luther, who carried the urn filled with Reginald Hargreeves ashes.

Klaus twirled a small, transparent, and bright pink umbrella that contrasted strongly against the many dark shades present. Five, dwarfed by him, carried a black umbrella over his shoulder that looked too big for him.

           Cassidy pulled the hood of the sweatshirt Vanya had loaned her tighter around her head. Only her clothes fit as she was smaller in stature and closest to Cassidy's size. Although Cassidy did have to roll the pair of jeans up once or twice.

Pogo and Grace were the last to arrive. Their mother looked oddly cheerful for someone attending a funeral.

"Whenever you're ready, dear boy," said Pogo.

Luther removed the top of the urn and tried to disperse the ashes evenly on the earth, but they slid out in a clump and lay in a sorry pile at his feet.

"It probably would have been better with some wind," Luther muttered.

Pogo glared at him before clearing his throat, "Does anyone wish to speak?"

Everyone remained silent.

"Very well. In all regards, Reginald Hargreeves made me the creature that I am today. For that alone, I shall forever be in his debt. He was my friend, and my master, and I shall miss him very much." Pogo paused, looking very sorrowful. "He was a . . . a complicated man – "

"He was a monster. He was a bad person and a worse father, and the world's better off without him," Diego spat suddenly. His face was contorted into an expression of built up anger.

"Diego, that's enough," Allison said.

"My name is Number Two, you know why? Because our father didn't even bother to give us actual names, he had Mom do it," growled Diego.

"Would anyone like something to eat?" asked Grace suddenly.

"No, that's ok, mom," said Vanya kindly.

"Oh, ok," smiled Grace.

Diego scowled at them all. "Look, you want to pay your respects, go ahead. But at least be honest about the kind of man he was."

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