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"Heheh"     "uhm, what the fuck is wrong with you today" Jay asked looking at jake weirdly.  "Oh, it's just that, I can't wait to mess with Heeseung today!" Jake said smiling.  "Oh, yeah I totally forgot. But now that you reminded me, I'm so excited." Jay said as a little smirk formed on his lips. "I can't wait to see their reactions" Sunghoon said smiling like a psycho. "Well, it seems like Jungwon is alone right now. How about you go play around with him?" Jay suggested looking at sunghoon. In no time sunghoon was by jungwon flirting with him.

Sunghoons pov

"Hey, cutie." Sunghoon said kneeling down to Jungwon's hight, playing with his hair. "Let go of my hair you jerk." Jungwon said yanking sunghoons hand away like nothing.

"Damn, you have some nerves don't you, kitty?" Sunghoon said winking. "Ugh, sunghoon I know this is one of your games I'm not going to fall for you so you better fuck off right now before I report your behaviour to the principal." Jungwon said crossing his arms on his chest. "PFFT! YOU THINK SOME STUPUD PRINCIPAL SCARES ME!? BAHHAHA! You're so cute trying to scare me away, kitty." Sunghoon said teasing jungwon. "Just fuck off I'm not falling for your tricks or whatever you are planning." Jungwon said sternly. "Fine, kitty. But I'll be back." Sunghoon said and walked away to his group of friends.


"Guys, Jake keeps flirting with me and it sure has me going crazy as shit!" Heeseung said almost blushing. "Yeah, Jay and Sunghoon have been flirting with me and Sunoo too it's probably one of their stupid tricks. Remember, rule number one; never ever fall for enemies!" Jungwon said looking right at Heeseung. "I know wonnie but-"    "No buts, Heeseung that is that." Jungwon said earning a sigh from heeseung.

"Do you guys wanna have a sleepover?" Sunoo asked excited. "Sure. Me and heeseung are free." Jungwon said. "Okay good because I already know what we're doing!" Sunoo jumped up and down.

"Sleepover huh?" Sunghoon, Jake and Jay asked synchronised, walking infront of the three. "Count us in." Jake said winking. "No never in hell are you ever going to my house you'll probably steal and break things!" Sunoo said. "Come on, cutie tell your friends to let us come too~" Jake said lifting heeseung's chin up. " fine just don't touch heeseung hyung like that and don't plan anything." Sunoo said. "We weren't planning on doing anything." Jay said coldly.


The group of 6 were now standing outside of Sunoo's door waiting for him to open it. "Come in" sunoo said.
"Damn, baby this place is beautiful~" Jay said. "Oh come on. Don't call me baby, plus I'm pretty sure you're a millionaire so don't be surprised by this shit." Sunoo said glaring at the male in front of him."Nah, if it's yours then I'm happy" Jay said winking at sunoo. "Look I may look flustered but I hate you and your little plan whatever you're doing isn't going to work on me so don't you even dare flirt with me!" Sunoo said. "Whatever you say, baby," Jay said, making Sunoo blush a bit. "Whatever" sunoo said.

"Okay, so what should we do first, karaoke, movie, Baking, playing games or pillow fight?" Sunoo asked.
"I think we should do you, baby" Jay suggested in a casual tone, smirking. "GET BACK HERE YOU STUPID MOLE RAT!" Sunoo exclaimed running after Jay, up the stairs. "Cutie, what do you want to do huh? Maybe something naughty?" Jake asked, holding onto heeseung's waist. "I want to do something that doesn't involve you that's for sure." Jake said looking away. "Awh, cutie that hurt my feelings. You shouldn't talk to your future husband like that." Jake said. And just like Jake and Heeseung went chasing eachother around the house. "Kitty?" Sunghoon looked over at Jungwon "Are you okay kitty?" Sunghoon asked getting closer to Jungwon. "I'm fine"       "are you sure you seem off today?" Sunghoon asked softly, tucking a stand of hair behind Jungwon's ear. "Yeah I'm fine now stop touching me."

"You can't just avoid me forever you need to atleast become friends with me." Sunghoon said. "Class president friends with such bully like you!? NEVER!" Jungwon said pushing Sunghoon away.

"Are you guys finally done chasing eachothe- PFFFT JAY WHAT HAPPENES TO YOUR HAIR DID YOU GET HIT MY SOME TYPE OF BIRD!??! BAHAHAH!" Jungwon laughed at the sight of Jay. "Shut up you stupid bitch." Jay said coldly.  "No need to be mad babe" Sunoo said winking at Jay. Jay stood there flustered. "How the tables have turned" Heeseung said.

"Okay let's make a cake in pairs of 2 (Jungwon & Sunghoon, Sunoo & Jay and Heeseung & Jake) The theme is goblin, start." Sunoo said.   "Goblin what kind of theme is that!?" Sunghoon asked.   

After everyone is done

"Sunghoon why are you sulking?" Jake asked. "It's because of the cake. Just see when we reveal it to you!" Sunghoon said in a kind of miserable tone. "Okay now last people to show their cake are Jungwon and Sunghoon!" Heeseung said.  "Okay so actually I made a cake that looks just like sunghoon cuz he for sure is one true goblin!" Jungwon said showing off the masterpiece he and Sunghoon made. "Oh so that's why you were sulking. That's so funny not gonna lie!" Jay exclaimed. Everyone started laughing at the cake they made.

"Okay guys let's just watch a movie and go to sleep." Sunoo suggested. "LETS WATCH HORROR!" Niki said. "Uhm Niki where the fuck did you just come from?" Sunoo said judging the male infront of him. "From my mom of course dumbass. Now let me pick the perfect horror movie!" Niki said.

Moments later everyone was hugging eachother because of all the scary jumpscares. "NIKI YOU PSYCHO WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING THIS IS SO SCARY!" Sunoo exclaimed
"Boo, sunoo is a scared cat. But fine I'll turn it off now." Niki said.

"I should get home now" niki said and then left. "Let's go to sleep" Heeseung said.

Everyone went to sleep, Sunoo and Jay slept on sunoo's bed, Jake and Heeseung slept on a bed in the guest room and Jungwon and Sunghoon on the couch. "I'm not sleeping with you!" Jungwon exclaimed. "Couch or floor your choice, cutie." Sunghoon said, smirking. "Ugh, fine you dumb rat." Jungwon said and fell asleep next to Sunghoon.

2:36 in the morning - Jungwon's pov:

I woke up with strong arms wrapped around my waist. "Ugh, sunghoon let me get up" I wriggled around in his embrace. "Stop moving around unless you want me to do something you wouldn't like." Sunghoon said in his deep, raspy morning voice. "Ugh." Jungwon muttered.

Author's note-

Hello fellow readers! I'm sorry that the chaper isn't that good but I have no ideas ATM so I'm sorry! But I promise chapters in the future will be better! Please vote if you want/can :)
I'll try to update as much as possible.

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