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"What do you want....?    NISHIMURA RIKI." is all Jungwon said. "I'm here to take what used to be mine." Riki said looking at Jungwon with a smile. "Yeah, used to be. Now I belong to Sunghoon." Jungwon said confidentially as he heard Riki laugh. "That's funny because... he's dead!" Riki said with a smirk on his face.

Jungwon went silent as tears ran down his cheeks. "Shut up..." He said but it was quiet as his voice wouldn't go louder, due to him crying. "Oh, well look who's quiet now." Riki said, still smirking. Riki lifted Jungwon's chin up and said, "I won't let you leave me this time."

"What part of "I belong to Sunghoon" did you not understand?!" Jungwon said. "Don't make me laugh! Would you rather be with someone dead or with someone who will make you feel right." Riki said.

"WELL, IF ANYTHING SUNGHOON MAKES ME FEEL RIGHT NOT YOU SO SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Jungwon blurted out before starting to cry again, memories flashing back in his mind. "Well I see princess got some attitude now, huh?" Riki said as he clicked his tongue.

"Look here." Riki said as he took a knife and pointed it at Jungwon's lips. "If you don't come back to me. I'll have to force you to with violence
and I don't think that either of us want that, now do we?" Riki said with a cute smile, but his charms won't fool Jungwon. "I'd rather die then go back to you!" Jungwon said.

Then slowly Riki started to cut Jungwon's lips, making the older let out painful screams. "Now I'll ask you once more. Would you rather get back with me or get hurt?" Riki said looking at Jungwon. "I'D RATHER FUCKING DIE!" Jungwon said.

"Very well then." Riki said as he started to put cuts on Jungwon's cheeks. Riki came to a halt when he heard movement. "WHO'S THERE?!" Riki said but he got no reply. "Don't move, kitten. I'll be back" Riki said as he kissed Jungwon on the lips and went away.

Suddenly, Jungwon smelt a familiar scent and he felt someone untying the ropes on his hands. "Oh, I see we have a guest here?" Riki said to the unknown man in a black hoodie, black mask and glasses to cover up his face.

The unknown man had already untie Jungwon's hands but Jungwon kept his hands behind his back not to make it obvious. The unknown man and Riki started to punch and kick eachother and Riki seemed to be enjoying the 'company.'

Soon enough, Riki was facing Jungwon backwards and that gave Jungwon a chance to kick Riki right at the back of his head - Jungwon used to know taekwondo so he used his talents right at that moment. Riki banged his head hard and fell on the ground, now his smirk fading and that gave Jungwon and the unknown man time to run away.

Soon, the man and Jungwon were at Jungwon's house and had escaped Riki. "May I ask, who are you?" Jungeon asked but as soon as he said that, the man shook his head and got up to leave.

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