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"Sunoo what are you doing here?!" Jungwon said. "NO YOU TELL ME WHY OUR ENEMY IS ON TOP OF YOU LEANING CLOS3R AS IF HE'S ABOUT TO KISS YOU? HE HATES YOU!" Sunoo said. "No, Sunoo I love him." Jungwon said staring blankly at Sunoo. "B-but I sent you a video of him-!"     "No, Sunoo no more of this bullshit." Jungwon said standing up and inching closer to Sunoo. "REALLY JUNGWON AFTER ALL WE WENT THROUGH THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME?!" Sunoo said.  "Sunoo I-"
"NO I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT! OUR FRIENDSHIP ENDS HERE!" Sunoo said storming out of the room.

"S-sunghoon what am I d-doing so wrong?!" Jungwon said running towards Sunghoon with tears in his eyes. "I- I just lost my closest friend and-" jungwon cut himself off. He started to hiccup and sniffle while his face is burried into Sunghoon's chest. "My kitten, Sunoo must just be having a hard time. Please just give him a while and everything will go back to normal." Sunghoon said cupping Jungwons small face into his larg3 hands and placing a small kids on his forhead. "It will be fine. Let all your tears out." This time Jungwon started screaming his lungs out as he cried.

Hours have passes since the incident betwene Jungwon and Sunoo. Jungwon was eating a ball of curry - his favourite that Sunghoon made for him. "This is really good, thank you hoon." Jungwon said lightly. "It's okay I know you're sad I promise everything will be fine at school." Sunghoon said smiling sweetly at Jungwon. Jungwon forcefully gave him a small smile back. "I hope it will." Jungwon said eating his curry. "Hey you know, you can hang out with me, Jay and Jake tomorrow if you'd like?" Sunghoon offered. "Are you sure?" Jungwon asked with a tint of excitement in his voice. "Yes, of course I am." Sunghoon replied with a honey-like voice. Jungwon hugged Sunghoon tightly. "Heyz I have to go home can you manage everything on your own?" Sunghoon asked. "Of course!"     "Unless you need your prince charming 'cuz I know I'm amazing" Sunghoon teased rolling his eyes. "Oh you get back here!" Jungwon said chasing sunghoon - sadly sunghoon had ran out the gouse with a big smile on his face.

Jungwon closed the door and sat down on the couch with a pillow to cover his smiling face. He was whipped.

The next day

Jungwon was walking down the halls with Sunghoon and his friends when he came past Sunoo and Heeseung. "LOOK AT THE FUCKING TRAITOR HANGING WITH OUR ENEMYS!" Sunoo said pointing at Jungwon. Heeseung looked over to Jungwon with a hint of sadness on his face. "Jungwon can I talk to you?" Heeseung asked. "Of cour-" B3fore Jungwon finished Heeseung pulled him into an empty room.

"You can't be hanging with them."
"And why not, what's so wrong with it?" Jungwon asked. "Sunoo hates them and you know that." Heeseung said, sighing. "I dont give a fuck about that wild animal. Now do you have anything else to say?"      "You can't just betray us like that we've known you for god knows how long and Sunghoon is just an enemy!" Heeseung said fustrated. "Oh don't you act like you're not head over heals for Jake. I see the way you look at him. Maybe Sunoo has no one at all." Jungwon said, walking back to Sunghoon.

Heeseung's pov:

I couldn't believe what I had just heard. Is Jungwon really going against us? We were practically his brothers. His only brothers. Even though, he's right. We both betrayed Sunoo.

"Sunoo?"   "Yes..?" Sunoo said in a miserable voice. "Jungwon..." Heeseung started saying.  "No don't finish it I don't care anymore I thought he was a good person. I really thought that nothing would get in the way of our friendship but I guess just a filthy guy like sunghoon made it happen." Sunoo said.

"It's not Jungwon's fault. It's his fault." He said. "Who's fault?" Heeseung asked.   "Sunghoon's. Cant you see HE took Jungwon away from us I know Jungwon and I know that he wouldn't do such thing. That Sunghoon guy is probably playing with him like he plays with everyone he is just a filthy little scunbag and-"  "Sunoo stop that's enough." Heeseung said.

Just then, a person in all black stood infront of them. "Jake what are you doing here?" Heeseung asked clining onto his arm. "Here for my baby of course." He said brushing Heeseung's hair behind his ear. "Of course you are, darling." Heeseung said. "REALLY HEESEUNG YOU TOO?!" Sunoo exclaimed. "Sunoo shut up don't get in the way of my relationship!" Heeseung said dragging Jake away. Now Sunoo really had no one left.


HII im sorry it may not be the best but tension is rising?!??!????? I hope everyone has a lovely day!

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