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A few days later all the people close to Sunghoon had gone to his funeral. Jungwon didn't go because he had locked himself inside of his room and distanced himself away from society.

Jungwon has stopped going to school, stopped eating, drinking, doing any types of fun activities etc. I mean, how is he supposed to do fun activities when his "lover" died. He should've been there to save Sunghoon.


Jungwon would go out of his room from time to time to get food and water. But this time that was not the case. Jungwon had gone to buy flowers for Sunghoon's grave. He brought a whole bouquet of flowers for Sunghoon and walked over to Sunghoon's grave.

Jungwon was standing there, crying and talking about how he should've saved Sunghoon, when he heard footsteps coming towards him. He looked around but no one was there. Suddenly, all Jungwon saw was black and then he couldn't feel his body.

Jungwon woke up in an abandoned house, tied to a chair not able to move. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Jungwon said out loud. "Awh, kitten is awake." A familiar voice said.

Jungwon's head turned to where he had heard the voice. "What do you
want...?              NISHIMURA RIKI."

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