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The next few days Sunoo and Jay have surprisingly gotten closer to eachother and Jungwon even made a ship-name up for them (SunJay) and even Heeseung, Jay and Jake approved the ship name. And for Sunghoon. He has beeon ignoring Jungwon for the past few days.

"Sunghoon why are you always ignoring me? Am I not enough?" "You think I won't forget the time you killed that one guy? Well I got the blame on it and if I don't get proof that it wasn't me they will kick me out of the school!"

Jungwon stood there staring right at the floor. Right it was his fault after all. "I'll turn myself in to the principal." Jungwon said. "NO YOU CANT!" Sunghoon said, wide eyed. "What? Why not?" Jungwon asked. "Because I'm the school's troublemaker of course they won't be suprised. And you. You're the class president. If they find out it was you... they will send you to jail." Sunghoon explained. "And why would they not send you to jail?" Asked Jungwon curiously. "My parents made a bet with the school. That if they ever send me to jail, there will be consequences. And maybe, I can get oit of it because my parents are important people and I know how to get out of trouble, you don't. " sunghhon said. "And why would you ever care about me getting sent to prison?" Jungwon asked.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME YANG JUNGWON?! I LOVE YOU THAT'S WHY! I CAN'T LET ANYTHING BAD HAPPEN TO YOU! No... I won't let anything bad happen. And if something happens to you. I will seek my revenge. Don't you worry. My kitten you're safe with me." Sunghoon said with a sigh. "You know, I was thinking that you could move in because you live alone and I have to protect you after all. Right?"

"Sunghoon... I- .... Okay fine." Jungwon said.


"Your house is huge..." jungwon said looking around. "Yeah, and don't worry my parents dont live with me so if you wanna have some fun..." Sunghoon said, smirking. "PARK FUCKING SUNGHOON!" Jungwon said, hitting Sunghoon. "Come on now, it will be lots of fun. And I don't think we got our first kiss yet..." Sunghoon said inching closer to Jungwon. "May I, Kitten?"  Jungwon nodded. Sunghoon stared into Jungwons pearl-like eyes. Suddenly, Sunghoon's phone ringed. "Fuck, why now?!" Sunghoon muttered.
"Just leave the phone it can wait." Jungwon said grabbing onto Sunghoon's muscular arms. "You're really impatient aren't you kitten?" Sunghoon said. He hang up and inched closer to Jungwon. Slowly, Jungwons and Sunghoon's lips attached and they went into a slow and gentle kiss. Sunghoon couldn't hold himself back and slid his tongue in, making the kiss heated. Sunghoon grabbed Jungwon and threw him on the bed.

Sunghoon climbed on top of Jungwon and started to kiss his neck leaving hickeys. Meanwhile, Jungwon was moaning quietly making sure no one would hear them. As Sunghoon was unbuttoning Jungwon's shirt, Jay barges into the room. "Oh... uhmmm... Am I interrupting something?" Jay said raising his eyebrows in an attempt to tease Sunghoon. "Awh, look at them, Sunoo. This could be us one day if you'd like..." Jay said stepping close to sunoo as sunoo inched away. Sunoo got trapped in-betwene Jay and the wall. "Okay, guys what do you want?" Jungwon asked with Sunghoon still on top of him.

"We were gonna ask to hang out but now I think we should just continue with what we are doing... Don't you think, Sun?" Jay said. "Hey, hey only I get to call him Sun!" Jungwon exclaimed. "Well, it seems like I have stolen your friend." Jay said, laughing. "Oh, hey Heeseung and Jake hyung I didn't see you guys there." Jungwon said. "Sunghoon, I will give you five seconds to get of Jungwon unless you want to get beat up." Heeseung said, smiling innocently. "Try me." Sunghoon said. "5... 4.... 3.... 2..." heeseung said laughing. "ONE! Heeseung said as he ran towards the two. Not before Jake could grab him. "Not so fast sweetheart, you have to go through me first." Jake said, smirking. "NO! JAKE PLEASEE! You know I can't resist you! Heeseung said pouting. "That's the whole point, darling." Jake said. "Don't call me that, you know it makes me feel a certain type of way..." Heeseung said struggling his way out of Jake's grip.

"Anyways, y'all wanna get ice cream?" Sunoo asked. "Sure" The other 5 said synchronised. While the 6 were having their ice cream, Sunoo saw someone familiar. "NIKI!" Sunoo said running to him. Jay walked up to Sunoo slowly and put his hands around Sunoo's waist from the behind. "And who is this with my precious Sun?" Jay asked, Jealousy running through his veins. "Don't worry, Ni-ki is my ex. It's fine." Sunoo said. "Yeah it better be" Jay said, tugging him away from Ni-ki.

The whole way home, the 6 were gossiping and talking. The first people to get home were Sunoo and Jay - Sunoo was sleeping at Jay's for the whole week. The next were Heeseung and Jake - Heeseung and Jake are roommates and then lastly Jungwon and Sunghoon. "That was a long day." Jungwon said. "Yeah, but now that we're home, wanna continue our session?" Sunghoon asked, winking. "Another time I'm tired sorry Sunghoon." Jungwon said walking up the stairs.

Jungwon was laying in bed, having trouble falling asleep, when he felt muscular arms slither at his waist from behind. "Hoonie...." Jungwon muttered as he turned around and snuggled up to Sunghoon's chest. Jungwon felt small under Sunghoon's embrace - probably because he was. Sunghoon stroked Jungwon's hair and they fell asleep like that cuddling all day.

HIIIIIIIUUIIIIIIIIII 😻😻😻😘😻😻😘😻😘😻😘😭😘👄👄❗️❗️😻😘😻👄😻

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