Detention Queen

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~Janelle Walker~

"Ms. Walker!"

I cringe at the sound of my name being yelled. I slowly turn already knowing who it would be. I turn and meet the angry eyes of Mr. Wood, our principle.

"Well hello Mr. Wood, long time no see buddy. How's the wife and kids?"

"Ms. Walker, you've missed detention for the past two weeks. If you want to graduate you need to show up for detention."

"Look I totally understand that, but I really don't understand why I have detention in the first place."

Mr. Wood narrows his eyes at me and cocks his head to the side. He lets out a loud exhausted sigh.

"Well let's see: letting loose all the frogs in Biology, calling Ms. Statson a prostitute, doing vulgar dances on top of the lunch tables while half naked, and last but not least writing the entire dance squad's numbers in the boys bathroom."

I try to keep a straight face as he lists all the reasons I have so many detentions.

"In my defense I really needed money and that's why I was dancing."

Mr. Wood shakes his head.

"I'll see you in detention after school today Ms. Walker."


"When do you have to be back," I breathe. I'm breathless as his hands slide up and down my body.

"I think at 12:30." He says as he kisses me on the neck. I pull away to check the time on my watch.

12:28 is what is read.

"You should get going," I tell him.

He lets go of my waist and fixes his shirt tucking it back in. I straighten myself out and help him with his hair.

Before he opens the door, he gives one last kiss and then heads to his class. I walk out of the closet a minute after him. Just as I think no one saw me I hear someone clear their throat behind me. I turn to see Ellie with her arms crossed leaning against some lockers.

"Was that the substitute for Ms. Rose while she's on maternity leave?" She pushes herself off the lockers and walks towards me, a small grin formed on her lips.


"Sure is cute." She stops beside me and looks up at me with a smirk. I roll my eyes and walk down the hall to my next class or library. Whatever one had the least amount of people.


"Ah, Ms. Walker, it's so nice of you to join us this afternoon." Mr. Wood opens his arm in a welcoming way as I walk into the detention room.

The room has about three other kids in the classroom. One red head girl in the front of the room who seems scared out of her mind. She's short and wears designer clothes. There's a boy in a bag corner wearing a football jersey. Then third person is sitting behind the girl. He looks up and his eyes meet mine. His lips curl up into a smirk. I roll my eyes and walk to the back of the room.


"Maxon." I slide into the back seat just as he slides into the one next to me leaving the red head alone. She turns to look longingly at Cody and send me a glare.

"So what did you do to end up here," he asks leaning his face in close to mine.

"Well, I may have stopped some animal cruelty, shown a teacher's true colors, grinded on a lunch table, and vandalized the boys bathroom with phone numbers." Cody chuckles and leans back into his chair.

"So I'm guessing this isn't your first rodeo, Walker," Cody asks.

"Oh sweetheart, I'm the Queen of Detention." I turn and wink at him with a crooked smile on my lips.

Cody then leans in close, our faces inches away. He matches me crooked smile with a mischievous gleam in his eye.

"If you're the queen, then I'm the king," he whispered.

"Hey can you to stop flirting back there, it's really gross," yells the red head. Mr. Wood is already gone and left us alone in the detention room.

"Aw, are you jealous, Julie," Cody taunts. The girl just rolls her eyes and groans.

I pull out my phone and insert my headphones. I close my eyes and let All Time Low swallow me whole. I start to humming along to Stella. I open my eyes and see Cody playing air guitar to Stella. I can't help but laugh. He looks ridiculous.

"STELLA WONT YOU TAKE ME HOME," he sings. I start to burst out laughing when Mr. Wood walks in to tell us that we can leave. I guess I was late. Cody immediately stops singing and plays it cool.

We walk out together and begin to start singing again. We laugh and sing all the way to the parking lot.

"Well, goodbye Walker," Cody says. He walks across the parking lot to his bike. I walk to mine in the opposite direction. I wave goodbye at him and I get on my bike.


Hey guys! I'm so sorry it took me forever to update. But look a new chapter. YAY

thank you so much for reading it really means a lot


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