Dear Deku,

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Notes: You guys liked the one-shot I made of BkDk a week or so ago so I decided to make a few more a part of the same world and some that aren't. Anyway, here is the first one!! I hope you enjoy!

Summary: A cute one-shot of Bakugou asking Izuku on a first date

# of Words: 848


'Dear Deku,
Go out with me, Nerd!'
, Bakugou Katsuki scribbled down on a small, torn piece of paper.

"You can ask like that, Brat!" his mom shouts from behind him.

"Fuck off!" Katsuki shouts back before mumbling, "Then what should I write?"

"HuH? Are you, my brat of a son, asking what to write to ask out poor little Izkuk?"

"Tch, whatever. Fuck off, old Hag!" he shouts as he stomps away.

The elder blonde just sighs in defeat as her husband places a hand on her shoulder. "I didn't mean to push him like that"

"It's okay, love. He knows."


'Stupid Nerd,
Ice Cream at *inter parlor here* after school.'


Please, go on a date with me.'

Definitely not.


Ew, gross, no.

'Ice Cream, after school, I'll walk you.

It'll have to do.......


When Izuku walked into his homeroom five minutes until the starting bell rang, he was relatively calm. He was early, and who could be upset with the sunny sun outside and cool weather that day? Definitely not him.

Everything seemed normal, at least for a Monday morning. Tired students sat in their seats loudly talking with their desk neighbors as he made his way to his slightly dirty desk with scratches of mean words on its surface. At this point in his life, he didn't even see the writing as he got ready for his day to begin; but all of a sudden his eyes landed on a slip of paper that was taped to the pencil pouch he had lost a week ago.

'Ice Cream, after school, I'll walk you.
Izuku knew that handwriting, hell he would know that tone of writing out of a hundred types of writing similar to it. Kacchan had written this. His Kacchan. The one that has been ignoring and pushing him away for years.

How could anyone be unhappy on a day like this? His Kacchan has finally reached out to him, without his insistence! A smile so bright it could be compared to the sun stretched out across his face as he put the note in a protected place before sitting in his seat and fidgeting with excitement.


The only slight flaw in my plan was that I could not see my nerd's face or reaction to the note. Luckily no one dared to go to Deku's desk to ruin the present I had found in the lost and found a few days ago with the glare and growl I sent to anyone who got near to it. But still, I could feel the smile Deku was sending to me from behind me all day and could do nothing about it. Stupid, goddam nerd!

But finally, the day had ended, and I stood alone by the entrance gates waiting for my little nerd to meet me for their first date. He had not left a time to meet but surely Deku would not leave him here without any kind of response, but it was already twenty-five minutes past the last bell of the day and there was no nerd in sight. 'Tch, whatever, I'll give him five more minutes before I leave,' I think, convincing myself I was only slightly hurt.

Slowly five minutes had antagonistically passed and the last few students were trickling out one by one. "Tch!" I grumpily breathe out as I turn around to head home, but a distinctive shout stops me.

"Kacchan! Wait!" My little nerd runs at a surprisingly fast pace before slightly bumping into my chest as he stops. I watch his little chest rapidly go up and down as he catches his breath, but after two or so minutes he catches his breath just enough to start rambling. "Sorry, I made Kacchan wait! Hana-senpai held me back to talk about-"

"It's fine, nerd. Stop rambling." The comment seemed to break the nerd out of his head as he looked up from the pavement he was facing and finally meet my red eyes with his wide, vibrant green eyes.

"W-we-we better h-head to the p-parlor b-be-before they cl-close?"

"Huh?" I question as I tilt my head.

'W-we-well I'm not sure when the pa-parlor closes-s, b-bu-but it will b-be dark in a-abo-about an hour and a half s-s-so.."
"Come on, nerd!" I command as his speech drifts off and head to the small ice cream parlor down the street from our houses.


The small step to a fixed relationship starts there with the two teens walking to their houses in the sunset as they joke around. And years later the two would fight over if this was their first date and make jabs about Katsuki's lack of social ability, as they retold their story to their friends and family.


Favorites and Comments are always welcome and encourage me to write! Suggestions are also appreciated, and I will see what I can do. And lastly, feel free to correct any typos or errors! :)

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