The Most Serious Question (pt. 1)

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There has been a dispute between the two married men since their first, or in some opinions second, date. And that of course was if Kacchan asked him out first or if he confessed to Kacchan first.

A short-one shots about married/dating BkDk fighting over who confessed first.


There will be 7 parts:

Ch. 1- Intro
Ch. 2- Telling the Parents
Ch. 3- Telling Aizawa
Ch. 4- Telling Class 1-A
Ch. 5- Telling Japan
Ch. 6- Telling Each Other
Ch. 7- Telling the Other's Side


There has been a dispute between the two married men since their first, or in some opinions second, date. And that of course was if Kacchan asked him out first or if he confessed to Kacchan first.



"Kacchan, I think I like you!" the anxious teen shouted as Katsuki dropped the nerd off at his house.

"Of course you do, Deku."

"No, Kacchan. I mean I like, like you."

"Yeah, yeah, nerd. I like, like you too. Now go inside, so I can be home before its dark!"

"No, I like you romantically, Kacchan!" the greenette shouts in frustration thinking his point was not understood.

"Tch, I would hope so; as I asked you on a date and you accepted," the blonde commented with a slight smirk. This seemed to stop the poor green-haired teen as his brian fried from this information.

"Y-you- wait- what!?!? You asked me on a date? When?" Izuku shouted.

"A few weeks ago. When we went to get ice cream." the now confused blonde answered.

"B-bu-but that wasn't a date!"

"Of course it was, Nerd! I wrote you a note and everything!"



Every few years the memory was brought up. First was when they told their parents they were officially dating. The next time was in high school when Class 1-A met Bakugou's mysterious 'friend' for the first time. They then had to have an interview after a 'cheating scandal' broke out between Pro Hero Dynamite and Pro Heros Pinky and Red Riot. And finally, they retold it for the last time to each other in both of their vows when they married; and mutually agreed that the other was right.

Which led to them fighting for the other's argument for two more decades.

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