"I said are you alright miss?"

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(your POV)

My eyes locked with the enchanting, icy eyes of this gorgeous man who had just saved my life. For what seemed like forever, time slowed down before i snapped back to reality.

"w-what? where... h-how?" i stuttered. the man's beauty had me forgetting how to speak.

"I said are you alright miss?" He chuckled. His Icelandic accent was so yummy.

he sat me up so i could sit on his propped up leg. "Yeah... i think so. gosh, i thought i was gonna fall to my death for a second there... but you saved me..." i said softly.

he wore a sporty, blue costume with a '10' pendant strapped over his chest. as funny as it may sound, he looked a lot like a super hero...

we locked eyes, his soft blue eyes sending shivers down my spine.

"(y/n), this is Sportacus. He's the hero of our town as you may have already been able to tell," Stephanie giggled. "Sportacus, this is (y/n)."

(Sportacus POV)

she is so beautiful. her beauty is far from any beauty i've ever come across. her soft, (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes...

"it's great to meet you, (y/n)." I blushed. i could feel my cheeks starting to heat up. the power this girl had over me and we just met...

(your POV)

"thank you for saving my life," i said shyly. "you can count on me," Sportacus winked as he helped me to my feet.

"so what brings you to Lazy Town?" Sportacus asked. "well, long story short i got on the wrong flight... embarrassing, i know. how did i manage to do that? ill never know." I shrugged, chuckling slightly.

"She was supposed to be in Peru with the rest of her class for a field trip", said Stephanie.

"I'm sorry you're missing out, hopefully i can make it up to you though," Sportacus said flirtaciously.

you can make it up to me by slamming me up against a wall and making out with me... I thought. i hope he can't read my thoughts...

Then my phone started ringing in my back pocket; it was (bff/n)!

"oh i have to take this, it's my best friend who's on the trip!" i exclaimed.

As i picked up the phone, all the others walked away to let me talk and went to play some basketball.

you: "Hey, (bff/n)! Everything is fine over here. The people in Lazy Town are very nice and are taking care of me while we figure out a way to get me to Peru. the mayor is currently trying to find a flight for me to take."

(bff/n): "(y/n), that's great! I cant wait for you to get here, i miss you. Peru is beautiful! i'm laughing because this will definitely be a memory neither of us will forget."

you: "yeah, no kidding. i still feel so stupid. but i guess it's not the worst thing, the most gorgeous man i've ever seen walk the face of this Earth just saved me life... and i'm not exaggerating!"

(bff/n): "saved your life?! how?"

you: "long story short i was playing with some kids i just met and i literally just fell out of a tree... and he caught me, but he came out of nowhere! it was the craziest thing i've ever witnessed. but oh he is so... MMMM"

(bff/n): "OOUUU GIRL GET ITTT is he muscular?"

you: "SO VERY. when those strong arms were wrapped around me i almost lost it... maybe getting on the wrong flight wasn't such a bad thing after all!"

(bff/n): keep me updated! it sounds like you're having your own wattpad moment...

you: "oh don't worry, i sure will. anyways, i'll call you later once i have a plan set and hopefully we can enjoy the trip together finally!

As i walked over to the basketball court with the others, Mayor Meanswell approached me. "(y/n), i'm afraid i have some bad news," said Mr. Meanswell. "Our only plane is currently being fixed from the previous flight, and it won't be fixed for another... estimated 6 weeks." He frowned.

"what?! 6 weeks? my trip only lasts 1 week! that means i'll miss the trip and i won't get back home for over a month and a half!" i panicked.

"but i do have a solution!" Mr. Meanswell beamed. "Sportacus just so happens to own a blimp and i'm sure he could fly you over himself, couldn't you?" He asked Sportacus.

"I would be pleased to do so, madam." Sportacus said, giving me a little wink and smirk. that look made me weak in the knees...

"you could fly over today if you wanted! i'm sure you'd get there in a few hours," Mr. Meanswell said. "please don't leave us yet!" Trixie pleaded tugging at my arm. "yeah, what she said! we still want to show you around town!" said Ziggy.

"i suppose i'm not really in much of a rush to get there. i'd love to see more of the town!" i grinned.

the kids cheered in excitement.

i'd also love to spend more time with Sportacus...

Caught Up in Lazy Town (Sportacus x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now