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2 weeks later :

I had gotten a job . Yay ! It was the position for the director of the local art gallery where they hung exquisite paintings and statues and it was always a really busy tourist attraction .

Hannibal and Will came over to my workplace everyday after college to spend time with me and then roam around with me , mixed with a group of tourists to hear the same speech that I give everyday to the tourists .

As director , I was also responsible for bringing in new shipments , so I always took their advice .

That day was Hannibal's birthday , the day Jack almost ruined everything for me .

It was 8pm and the museum had cleared out , all the guards went home and I was still there with a cake and a bottle of wine .

I waited for them to arrive as I sat on the bench in front of one of the paintings and waited .

Will soon walked in with Hannibal , Hanni blindfolded and a big smile on his face .

I smiled as I stood up with the cake in my hands .

Will slipped off the blindfold from his eyes and when he saw the came in my hands , Hanni smiled ever brighter .

I knew that he never celebrates his birthday because he never had any close friend or family to enjoy the day with , so I wanted to make this one special .

" Happy Birthday to you " ; Will and I sang and I swear I saw a glimmer of child-like happiness in Hanni's eyes .

In the middle of the song I heard gunshots . One of the bullets barely missed Will . The cake was thrown away from my hands as Hannibal rushed to put me in a safe place , my office .

Jack and other agents entered the building . No no , how did they find us ?

" I can fight " ; I said as Hannibal hid me behind him and stood as guard in front of me .

Will doing the same as he stood beside Hannibal .

" Dud you tell them your secret Arabella ? " ; Jack asked .

" What ? " ; I asked .

" How you actually sent the coordinates to this place " ; he lied .

Hannibal and Will spun around to look at me . Hannibal glared at me while Will's facial expression was unreadable.

" No , he is lying " ; I said .

" Check her phone " ; Jack prompted .

What was he doing ?

Hannibal snatched my phone from my jeans pocket and looked through it . His glare hardened as he gave the phone to Will .

" I will deal with you later " ; he said to me in a low , deadly whisper .

Then , chaos ensued . Hannibal and Will both got engaged into intense fighting . Some of the gents who tried to take me were shot down by the my gun .

" Arabella listen to me , they are lying , they don't love you. You are just a pawn in their game . You have been brainwashed " ; Jack tried to reason.

" You just messed up everything " ; I said to him as I got ready to shoot .

But before I could , Jack fell to the ground . Behind him , stood a bloody Will . He was bleeding and his white shirt was red .

Hannibal was the same as he grabbed me tightly by my arm and dragged me outside to the car .

" Please , I didn't send it " ; I begged to them but he just tightened his grip on my hurt .

That hurt and I was sure would leave a bruise tomorrow.

" Please , you know I love you both ! " ; I tried again .

I just wanted them to listen . Hannibal turned around and slapped me , hard . His ring hitting my cheek and cutting me .

" Shut up " ; he snapped , his eyes dark .

I looked up at him in shock . Okay , now I was scared .

He dragged me over to the trunk of the car .

" No no , not the trunk " ; I begged .

My mother used to trap me in small closets for hours . As a result , I developed the fear of small places .

Hannibal opened the trunk and pushed me in roughly and slammed it shut .

I sobbed . This couldn't be happening .


" Arabella , I am not going to ask you again , tell me why you sent the message ? " ; Hannibal asked .

He had me against the wall in the basement, his hand on my throat , seconds away from strangling me .

" I didn't. I didn't send it . You have to believe me ! Please ! " ; I cried .

He slammed my head against the wall as I cried out . His grip on my neck tightened , cutting off air supply .

I clawed at his hand as my face turned red , trying so hard to breathe .

He loosed the grip just a bit as he spoke again : " You know what I hate more than rude people Arabella ? "

I shook my head .

" Liars ! "

" I am not lying ! "

At that , he threw me on the ground and shot me , in the leg . I screamed out in pain .

He stepped over my fingers with his shoes and crushed them as I continued screaming and begging for him to stop .

This was not my Hannibal . This was not the man I fell in love with .

" Please believe me " ; my voice was hoarse from all the crying and screaming .

He just shook his head and left me there , on the floor , a crying mess .

People you know ( Hannibal x Arabella x Will )Where stories live. Discover now