Phase 2

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" Jacks wants you and Will in the conference room " ; Alan said as she walked up to me .

" What now ? " ; I groaned .

Jack has been extra snippy and nit-picky ever since he had re-opened the ripper case .

" I don't know , he has been in a snappy mood since last week " ; she sighed .

I followed Alana to the conference room where Jack was already sitting . Moments later Freddie Lounds entered the room just as Will did from the other side .

" Pleasure to meet you again Mr.Graham " ; she said holding out her hand . Will just looked away as he sat down .

I stifled a laugh and so did Alana .

I zoned out for most of the conversation.  It was something about the Ripper and I couldn't help but be bored .

" You on for tonight ? " ; I asked Will after the meeting .

" Yes . Need me to bring something ? "; he asked .

" Nope , just yourself and Hannibal " ; I smiled .

He gave me a thumbs up.

Before I could say something,  Freddie walked up to us and held out her business card for me to take .

" If you ever wanna talk - " ; she started saying but was rudely interrupted by Will as he snatched the card from her hands and then dragged me away .

I sent her an apologetic look . I couldn't help it ! I have an overwhelming need to please people !

I laughed openly at Will's behaviour .

" Don't talk to her . She will twist every word you say " ; he said .

I nodded as I skipped to my car and went home to prepare tonight's dinner .


Menu for tonight was diverse , home made and restaurant bought because I am a horrible cook .

Menu -

Kale salad
Steak with boiled baby potatoes
Green sauce
Duck rolls on stick with cheese and tomatoes and basil

I made little menu booklets because presentation matters to me . The steak and duck rolls were from a restaurant and then I plated it like a chef cause I can !

The doorbell rang just as I had finished preparing the sauce .

I opened the door and they stood there with smiles on their faces . Hannibal had a plate covered with foil in his hand and Will held a bottle of wine .

" I said don't bring anything " ; I said as they placed their bought items on the table .

" Now that was not possible darling " ; Hannibal said as he kissed my cheek.

I served the appetizer first , wine and duck rolls which were delicious . Hannibal had brought over goat liver that was roasted in spices .

I enjoyed the taste but there was something off about it . I shrugged it off as I took another piece .

Next was the steak , restaurant bought but I don't think they noticed .

While eating that I felt really weird . I took small sips of the wine and it just seemed to worsen the feeling . Every breathe I took felt wrong and it felt like something was stuck in my throat . I resorted to eat the salad and left the steak .

" That was delicious " ; Will said and Hannibal agreed with him .

I nodded not being able to speak .

" Ella ? Are you okay ? " ; Will asked worried .

I shook my head and whimpered . The feeling was getting overwhelming. 

He held my hand while Hannibal rubbed my back .

" Deep breaths,  in and out " ; Hannibal instructed me .

I did as he told me but I couldn't hold it anymore .

I ran to the bathroom and vomited everything I ate . My hair was pulled up and tied in a bun while a hand rubbed my back .

After a minute I was fine enough to get up . I flushed and brushed my teeth .

" Sorry you had to see that " ; I sniffled .

" Seen worse and no worries darling " ; Hannibal said .

" What do you think caused it ? " ; Will asked as they led me back to the couch .

" The steak seemed off to me . Its probably just indigestion " ; I waved it off .

" Arabella your burning up " ; Will said as he placed his hand on my forehead .

" It will go away " ; I said as I leaned against him on the couch .

He sighed as he ran his fingers through my hair . I found myself quickly falling asleep in between them , feeling safe .

Will's POV :

" Well , that didn't go as planned " ; I sighed looking down at Ella .

" She is fine with the human meat thoroughly cooked but not raw " ; Hannibal said as he played with her fingers .

" Not everyone can stomach raw meat " ; I said grimacing as I remembered the first time I ate raw human meat .

" Her vomit was black but her eyes were closed so I didn't think she noticed " ; I said .

" Yeah.  Raw equals she literally ate a dead body not cooked . Its okay . She will be fine . You were " ; he smirked .

I shook my head . Arabella whimpered in her sleep , Hannibal and I both shushed her . Tear drops rolled down her face , she was full on crying a minute later .

" Ella talk to me , what's wrong ? " ; I asked .

" Uncomfortable.  I - I don't feel good " ; she sobbed .

Oh , poor baby .

" Do you feel like throwing up again ?  " ; Hannibal asked her .

She shook her head and continued sobbing . The feeling must be killing her .

" Make it stop " ; she begged .

I lifted her up more and covered her shivering body with the blanket .

" Sh shhh , its okay . It will pass , just relax and try to breathe , I know how it feels " ; I whispered to her .

She dug her head into my chest , crying .

Hannibal got off the couch and went out the door , to the car . He came back seconds later with a syringe .

" No needles ! " ; Arabella sobbed .

I didn't even notice that her eyes were open and she was staring at the needle .

" It will make you feel better sweet girl " ; Hannibal said as he kissed her forehead .

She shook her head .

He sighed and looked at me . I nodded in understanding. 

I forced her to sit up and extend her hand towards Hanni , he grabbed her arm and injected her with the syringe .

She let out a whine but then immediately fell asleep  .

" Never again " ; I said asi held her tightly .

" Never again " ; Hannibal agreed .

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