Chapter 10

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Prod: Ay Diggy are you sure you want to do this?

Diggy: Yeah Sure I am

Roc: Look there is the manager, let's go

Ray: Hey.

Manager: Hey, My name is Lola. How can I help you?

Diggy: We wanted to ask a questio about your staff

Lola: Have they done anything to make you stay here uncomfortable?

Roc & Ray: No

Prod: There is someone that we are looking for that works on your staff

Diggy: a young girl, looks about 17. She was cleaning on our floor earlier today

Ray: She had black hair

Roc: she had on a light blue top

Lola: *POV* Uh-Oh! they are looking for Maya. um... I could Just tell them her name. No, wait. She'll kill me.. DANG!! What am i going to do* -out loud- I think I know who you are talking about.

Diggy: O.O Who is she?

Lola: Look I really do not think....

Roc: Look ma'm we really need her name. So our Boy Diggy can calm down and stop walking around like a love-sick puppy

Diggy, Ray, Prod & Lola: o.o

Roc: Can You PLEASE just give us her name? *smiles*

Lola: her name is Maya.

Diggy & the boys: Thank You

Lola: *POV* Oh Gawd! what have I done to Maya??

*boys leave reception*

Prod: Now that you have her name can we PLEASE chill until the M&G tomorrow?

Diggy: yeah We Can. Oh and Roc, I am NOT a Love-sick puppy

Roc: Nigga what ever helps you sleep at night.

Diggy: >.> Boy watch yourself and that hairline

Roc: At least i get more girls then you

Ray & Prod: BURN!

Ray: You want some ice for that?

Diggy: Don't get me started on your hair!

Ray: Try and Team Mindless will Burn your ass! They are an ARMY!

Diggy: JetSetters Never have any drama

MB: -_- You just had to go there

Diggy: *hits that dougie* What Ya Gonna Do Bout it?


Diggy: *Runs*

unexpected love- Diggy Simmons Fan-ficWhere stories live. Discover now