Chapter 14

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How in the name of God did Ray Ray Know my name? Like what is my life now?

Kayla: Hey baby, how was the M&G? 


K: what happened?

M: So Ray signed my AATW CD and so did Roc and Prod. I was getting to Prince when Ray Said: 'Maya' and hoped over the table. Thankfully for me they all got mobbed by fans

K: did you tell him your name? 

M: No I didn't 

K: well honey I don't know how he knew your name.

M: it's okay. I'm going to go get ready for the party. Are you still going?

K: Yeah and Mina should be back in about 10 mins 

M: Okay. 


today was something that i would not like to witness every single time. 

*Get's ready for Staff & Fam party and leaves w/ Mother and Aunt* 

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