Ch. 15 - Nice to meet you

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[A/N: the only chapter with a title... I wonder what happens in this chapter. LOL. Okay bye..

PS. this chapter wil have 2 main POV's and a 3rd person perspective.]


OMG this party is amazing! The music and food everything is AMAZING!!

*40 mins later*

Lola: So are you guys having fun?

Crowd: YEAH!!

Lola: i think that we should bing up our resident musical Princess Maya to the stage!

Crowd: MAYA MAYA MAYA!!!!!

*Maya gets on Stage*

Maya: Lola do you enjoy torturing me?

Lola: Yeah i do *Skips off stage*

Maya: Well i guess I'm singing Freedom by Nicki Minaj

*beat starts* Maya: They never thank me for opening doors, but they didn't even thank Jesus when He died on the cross. Cause yo spirit is ungrateful b***hes is so hateful, I remain a staple. *Rap continues*

DIGGY POV Yo, do ya'll hear that? It sounds like a Nicki Song.

Prod: Let's investigate *walks around lobby and find the party room*

Ray: AIn't that Maya up there? Diggy: yeah it is

MAYA POV *Rap* I feel free i feel Freedom Why they mad? You shouold see them Burn them out Cause it's crazy i here Carzy in here Cause it's crazy in here *end*

Can i go now?


Maya: emmm. More nicki then. how about Here I am?

Crowd: YEAH GO GO!!!

Maya: okay chill!

*beat starts*

Why is that you could only see the good in me? I swear sometimes it feels like it nurtures me.

*rap continues*


Roc; she can really rap

Ray: I ain't got no words man

Prince: She is hot!

Diggy: Ay, Afro I already called dibs

Prod: Prince don't say nothing. Diggy don't insult Prince. Bro you should go up to her.....


Diggy toke Prod's advice and talked to Maya. Numbers were exchanged along with instagrams and Twitters. Diggy got her signed to a label. She started doing her own thing and made it big.

Diggy and Maya stayed together for a long time.


Hope JetSetters and Team Mindless enjoyed the story and until the next story.

Jojo x

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