Chapter 13

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*Oh holy Father in the most high, that nigga did NOT just call my name! oh great all of MB and Diggy are staring*

*Ray hops over tables*

Fans: RAY RAY!!!

*Fans mob Ray. Doors open Fans flood in*

*here is my chance to escape*

-Runs for Exit-



All i heard was Ray say Maya. I looked up. Next thing you know we are being mobbed.

Prince: Idiota que tienes la parada evento! ¿Qué es lo que te pasa? (You idiot you got the event shutdown! What is wrong with you?)

Prod: Nigga you better have a good explanation for this!

Prince: Look at me ! I have a TACO in my hair! *cries* 

Ray: i saw that Maya chick and you guys probably would not have said a thing, so I did.

Diggy: I would have loved to meet her. I would NOT have stopped a MAJOR event.

Ray: Look i'm sorry. it was an impulse decision

Roc: they ran in faster then the time it takes Prod to run to KFC

Prod: BOY! Don't go there

Diggy POV

URGH! I could kill that nigga Ray. He just had to go and open his big-ass Blexican mouth! Ray i could kil you. Team Mindless would probably kill me so never mind. ]

Oh! Ray!!

He ruined my chance of actually meeting this girl....

Will I see her at the hotel????


[A/N: Hope everyone is enjoying the story. It is nearly Finished!! HYFR!. Enjoy, J x]

unexpected love- Diggy Simmons Fan-ficWhere stories live. Discover now