Chapter 11

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I can't believe I'm actually going to this M&G! Better Do a mental check.

1) posters? Check

2) CD's? check

3)Deoderant? check

4) Fixed hair? Check

Time to go

*leaves for Bus*

                                                                         *45 mins later* 

Here I am. Oh Dear God above! There are so many people here.

Am i really making the right choice here?

{{A/N: I know the chapters are short. it is writers block and school.. ANY-HOOO enjoy. x}}


DANG! Our fans really turnt up!

Prince: *fixes hair* our fans be the best

Roc: Too True. Prince for the love of all that is mindless in this world stop fixing you dang hair!!

Prince: *fluffs hair*

Roc: BOY!

Prod: Leave the hairy Blexican alone!

Prince: Yeah! Leave me.. HEY! I ain't hairy!!

Ray: yes  you are

Prince: >.> Get into your corner

Diggy: OI! Don't make me call Keisha 

Prince: *fluffs hair*

Diggy:  * I wonder if she will be here. WIll I even notice her?*

unexpected love- Diggy Simmons Fan-ficWhere stories live. Discover now