Chapter 6: Suzuran, The Lily of the Valley

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Akihiko and Fusae were heading to school, when they run into Akiko, who woke up late, and told them about a new rumor: Suzuran, The Lily of the Valley. They say that if you take the vase of Lilies of Valley from her grave, she will come and take your life, and the lilies would be in its original place, as if no one touched it. What was surprising is that students have dared people to do that, and they went missing. Police were trying to solve it, but they were nowhere. This information intrigued Fusae since she did notice it too and decides to call Hanako. He also has been investigating the rumors and during break time, they decided to make a plan.

The plan was for Akihiko to take the vase, and Fusae will catch him (since the ghost pushes people off the window to their deaths). Hanako will then slice her to pieces, and the evil is defeated. 

After lunch, Akihiko goes to her grave, and takes the lilies. He then runs back to the room and waits for Suzuran to appear....and soon, she did. Akihiko then put the vase down on the table in hopes of calming her down, but it didn't. She then pushed him off the window and was luckily caught by Fusae. This angers Suzuran, since he didn't die. Hanako then appears behind her, and was about to stab her, when she dodges and says, "I WILL NOT GO YEEEEET!!!!!! NOT UNTIL I GET MY REVENGE!" Nene orders Hanako to stop and tries to comfort the girl, but she refuses saying, "GET. OUT. OF. MY. WAY!!!". Nene then tells her, "I will help put your case to justice!". To which the ghost stops attacking, with tears in her eyes. she asks Nene if she really means it and she replies with a yes, that is, if she stops this attack. The ghost agrees and tells them to go through the records and prove that the bullies pushed her off the window, and it was not suicide.

They all (Including Suzuran) go to Tsuchigamori to borrow her book. She then says her real name is Ikiru Atashi, and the teacher gave them the book. Ikiru then gives the address of her home, and tells them to show the book, since screen-like projector, revealing the memories. She wishes them good luck while Hanako stays to watch over her.

They soon arrive at their destination, and they knock on the door. They were greeted by her parents, and they give them the book. They open it and saw their daughter's horrific death. They were breaking down in tears and when they saw their daughter's revenge, they told them to give her offerings and for her soul to rest in peace. They do as they say and return to the school, saying that the parents now had closure. Ikiru then said "Thank you, I can now rest in peace.... thanks to all of you...." and she disappeared. The lilies then withered, but the gang made sure that monthly, to please her, they will bring lilies to her grave, and just like that, the rumor lessened, and soon disappeared. 

Akihiko was doing this for a month, saying it has been very crazy, supernatural's, ghosts, spirits, everything. At least he has his friends with him to help, and he has started to grow feelings for Fusae, despite her being a dead person, he still found her pretty attractive. While walking home, Tsukasa was watching them, targeting Akihiko for something....

To Be Continued....

Note: Suzuran/Ikiru Atashi is belonged by fuuyuun on instagram, so credits to her  

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