Alcohol Virgin?

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Alex's POV: School for the rest of the week was, well...normal. By Friday, the teachers were still being overly nice, but nonetheless, they found ways to grumble about how their lives had come to teaching teens for barely over minimum wage.

Jasper seemed to have caught the attention of everyone at school. Since it was a private school, new kids were a rarity. It was always a big deal to have new kids because we had all known each other since we were kindergarteners.

Over the course of this week, Jasper gave every ounce of his attention to his newfound friends. He was quick to dismiss and discourage the many girls (and a few boys) who threw themselves at him. He was surprisingly gentle and polite about it, so I guess he deserves at least a little credit.

Speaking of these new friends, he had quickly befriended the four biggest troublemakers in town. This group consisted of Luke and Lewis King, Ashton Fern and Reece Hill.

Luke and Lewis were identical twins and only discernible from one another by the way they both respectively wore their hair. Luke typically let his tight curls flop to whichever side they pleased and Lewis mostly wore his hair pulled back. They both had brown eyes and deep skin.

Then there was Ashton. The blonde haired, blue eyed, captain of the basketball team. I never really figured how he got mixed up with the others. He was intelligent and incredibly nice. He was never angry and was a "wouldn't hurt a fly" kind of guy. He had talked to me in a few classes we shared on the odd occasion and I just can't understand how he fit in the picture of the ultimate troublemaking team.

Lastly was Reece. He seemed closest with Jasper. It makes perfect sense of course. Behind the shaggy, brown hair and grey-blue eyes was a soul of mischief. He seemed fragile and small in stature, but he was born to make trouble and he wasn't afraid of anything. He would fight to his dying breath if it meant that he could play just one more prank on the world.

They were a close knit group. It was almost too bad that they weren't known for anything far as I had heard.
Jordan and I were having a girls night together. Our absolute favorite thing to do together was watch second-rate horror movies. After some careful consideration, we chose The Babadook. Mostly because it was on Netflix and we didn't feel like paying for a bad movie.

Once the movie ended, I was both bored and hungry, so I got up and grabbed an apple to combat the grumbling in my stomach. When I got back upstairs I opened the window and grabbed a book from my bookshelf. I took a blanket from under the window seat and made myself comfortable. My room had this unique design where there was a window seat and right next to it there was a door to a balcony. Of course it wasn't that unique considering Jasper had one too, but it was one of my favorite places.

Jordan was lazily playing Mario Kart and I occasionally looked up to watch when she swore. After a particularly long slew of curse words I laughed and said "You really shouldn't swear so much. It's not the game's fault you suck"

She huffed. I heard laughter. And I was sure it was coming from more than one person.

I whisper yelled across the room, "Jordan? Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" She said not paying me much attention

"The laughing."

She was suddenly much more attentive. "What? Laughing? Where?"

"I don't know. I heard it though. I'm sure."

"This is creeping me out Lex. I swear to God you better not be messing with me." She paused her game.

"I'm not, I swear. Just.... say something funny. Maybe it'll happen again." I whispered.

"" She seemed to have a revelation. And she smiled at me in an evil manner. "Wanna know what I hate?"

Me and the Bad Boy Next Door (and happenings between us) Where stories live. Discover now