|| Part 2 ||

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Eventually, Aether was given a fluffy, warm coat as he was taken away again, this time by Scaramouche himself. He stood beside him, making sure he was always a single step ahead. Close enough to keep an eye on him, but not level enough to make it seem as if they were walking together. Aether's chains were removed, and it really began to feel like he was more of a guest than a prisoner. He knew what he really was to these people, but the lack of cold metal against his wrist was definitely an improvement.

He walked through a long, wide hallway, a royal blue carpet with golden patterned rims leading the way. They had passed through what seemed like a large dining room fit to seat at least 50 people, and went up a few mighty looking staircases. In this room, chandeliers with no candles and crystals that may just be glowing icicles centred every section of the tall ceiling above. He no longer felt cold, but something about the atmosphere still sent chills down his spine. He wondered how large this place must be from the outside. Was it as grand and as menacing as the interior?

"Where are we going?" Aether asked hesitantly.

"Your room," Scaramouche replied sharply. He didn't explain further.

Aether raised his head, looking door to door. They were largely spaced out down the corridor, so he guessed each room was quite large. He expected to be kept in a cell, yet this seemed like the place for a living quarters. He eyed Scaramouche carefully, but he knew he wouldn't have many more answers. At least, he would never share them.

Scaramouche suddenly stopped in his tracks, and Aether instinctively looked ahead to see what there might be. Nothing. He turned to Scaramouche to find him already watching him, his eyes narrowed.

"I'll try to give you a warning first," Scaramouche breathed, casting his eyes either side of him. "You won't be killed here, but that doesn't mean they can't, and won't do far, far worse. Just keep your head down and do as you're told, and you'll be fine."

"Why am I even here if they don't want me dead?" Aether asked, finally saying the question that had been on his mind since he had walked through those doors and been called a 'guest'. "I defeated two other Harbingers, and one of them died because of me."

Scaramouche's eyes peered directly into Aether's. His tone was somewhere between mocking Aether, and genuine curiosity. "You feel guilty?"

"I didn't want to cause her death," Aether answered, looking down.

"First of all, you didn't. It was her own fault," Scaramouche explained, his expression cold as he faced ahead. "Second, the Harbingers are not a team. We are a group, and that is all. We work together when told to, and we only look out for ourselves. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise."

It was silent for a moment. "What are you trying to do?" Aether asked.

"If I had it my way, you'd be questioned and discarded of within a matter of days. The Fatui had other plans," Scaramouche drawled. "Including keeping you in the guest quarters instead of a cell."

That explained why they were walking in a grand corridor, and not between a row of cells. He was growing more and more fond of the title of 'guest'.

"I don't know what Dottore is planning on doing with you, but I doubt he'll be the only one with any use for you. You'll be out of my hair within a few days, if I'm lucky," he explained further.

"What do you mean by that?" Aether questioned.

Scaramouche sighed. "As punishment for how close I was to defeat, the Tsarista has decided to make me keep an eye on you while you stay here."

Scaramouche began walking forward again, leaving Aether alone for a moment with his thoughts. He paused for a moment before rushing to catch up to the Balladeer, staying a step behind him just as he was before. If Scaramouche took notice of it, he decided not to say anything.

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