|| Part 14 ||

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Author's note:

This has been read a bit more than I thought it would be. Thanks so much for everything! I appreciate all the comments too (especially for the last chapter).

I also can't wait to go to Snezhnaya and see how completely wrong I am about all this I'm writing.

And I can't be bothered to edit it yet I'll do it tomorrow. It's just been ages and I wanna publish something (also sorry bout that).


Aether walked down the hallway, the goal of finding something to eat on his mind. He tried his best to walk at a normal pace, but his hunger ate at him. Even his body was betraying him— his stomach was growling viciously. Having Paimon there to remind him to eat was something Aether had taken for granted. Gods, he wished she was here. Emergency food would be handy right now.

His steps were clearly purposeful, and as he made his way over to the staircase he found a familiar face carrying a basket full of sheets. Lana.

"Hello," Aether greeted with a smile. Lana looked up in alarm. She returned Aether's gesture once she realised who was speaking to her.

"Traveler," Lana returned. "Are you in need of anything?"

"Well... I'm kinda hungry. Where can I get some food?" Aether asked, trying his best to not sound as desperate as he was.

"Oh, don't worry," Lana confirmed. "I'll have some delivered to your room—"

"I'm not in the mood to eat there..." Aether said, cutting Lana short. He didn't mean to. He just wanted to make that message clear. He had done well at keeping Scaramouche out of his mind. Well, until now.

Gods... Aether cringed.

"I see. Well, there's a dining hall, do you need directions there?" Lana offered.

Aether thought for a moment. He had passed by that room before, and he was sure he knew the way there. "No, I know. Thank you, Lana."

"I'll just take these up to your room, and I'll have something prepared for you," Lana said.

"Oh, that's alright..." Aether felt uncomfortable when people did things for him. Usually that was his job. "I can handle it myself."

"Oh, okay..." Lana replied, giving Aether a quizzical look. "Well, is the Balladeer alright?"

"He's..." Aether looked for the right word. "He's fine, I think. I'm just not in the mood to be around him."

Lana grinned. "Aren't we all? Oh, maybe I shouldn't say that... but you of all people would know what I mean."

Aether wondered how harshly Lana would be punished if someone else had heard what she just said. Something told him that if it were any other harbinger she was discussing, she would be in trouble. Scaramouche on the other hand... Aether supposed that no one would mind her words too much.

"Yeah, I do..." Aether laughed nervously. "Thanks, I better go now!"

Lana eyed Aether in suspicion as he raced quickly down the stairs, quickly forgetting that he did not want to look desperate. He darted around the obstacles in the hallway, quite like he used to when he ran into Fatui. A large arched doorway was open at the end of the hall, and a stream of light poured through. Aether's steps slowed to a walk.

The dining hall was huge. The ceiling was towering above Aether's head, and light poured in from the giant paned windows going the full length of the other side of the room. A long wooden table stood firmly in the centre of the room, two matching wooden benches either side of it. There was only one other person in, and they were just passing through, but Aether could taste the smell of cooking in the air. He followed the trail of steam.

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