|| Part 9 ||

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Authors note:

Fun fact about me, I actually ship Aether with Xiao more than I ship him with Scaramouche. Still, Scaramouche and Aether have a bit more development to go through, and I love drama! So that's why I'm writing about them instead.

Also, I am sorry for not updating in a... really long time. My only excuse is laziness. I will try my best to be more regular!


The Traveler didn't know where Scaramouche was taking him, yet for some reason, he didn't ask. Scaramouche never made a move to tell him either. All Aether knew was that they were walking through the courtyard of the palace, but they weren't here for a tour.

The courtyard was something of a structure itself. Trees that seemed entirely made out of ice. Beds of flowers, frosted over. Structures that were made out of a clear material, yet Aether wasn't sure if they were made of ice or glass. Even a fountain that looked as if the water had shot out of it and frozen instantly. From Aether's window, you could just made out the maze-like design of the garden. From here, you could look over the frozen walls with ease.

Aether observed the garden, if you could even call it that. Beneath the tree was a bird bath, where a snowy owl stood on it's edge. It leant down for a drink, and Aether noticed that the only liquid water in this place was right there. Scaramouche turned towards him, noticing what he was staring at. His steps faltered for a moment.

"What is it?" Aether asked.

"Nothing. Keep walking," Scaramouche breathed, almost like a threat.

Aether didn't know what Scaramouche meant, but continued to walk with him, his head facing forward. Out of the corner of his eye, Aether noticed an occupant in the courtyard. Aether turned ever so slightly to see who it was.

It was a woman. A woman, with almost white coloured hair, that fell past her waist. She wore a long, grand seeming white-fur coat. She had an ice-like headdress on, and her head was lowered. Aether couldn't see her face. Only her scarlet red lips.

"Is that the Tsarista?" Aether questioned, his eyes widened in concern.

"We will not interrupt her," Scaramouche ordered Aether, staring straight ahead.

"Scaramouche, please," Aether pleaded quietly. "I need to speak with her..."

"Do as I say," Scaramouche warned.

Aether glanced at the woman once again, and despite her being turned away, he felt her eyes on him. Scaramouche took Aether's arm, directing him away. Aether glanced at the woman one final time before turning away, the cold suddenly creeping up his back.

"Sorry," Scaramouche murmurs. Aether hadn't even expected an apology, so his words felt unnatural as he went in. "I can't let you speak with her, it's the rules."

"I didn't think you would listen to them," Aether replied, frowning as they walked along the snowy path, towards another building.

"There are some rules that would cause more trouble than they are worth to break," Scaramouche admitted, glancing at Aether. "You'll have your chance to speak with her eventually."

Aether looked up at the building ahead of them, observing the shape and size of it. It was far off in the distance, on a hill that was separated from the palace by a small lining of trees. A pathway led towards it, one that the Balladeer and the Traveler followed. The building itself looked old, coloured in white with a dome shaped roof. Small windows lined it's circular wall, like punctures in it's base. Off the side of the hill seemed to be another level, barely attached to the building and hanging over the edge of the surface, supported by only scaffolding.

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