|| Part 17 ||

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I've seen comments of people saying "call Xiao". I don't know how powerful Xiao is but if he can teleport across the land, find Aether and manage to get him out, then... he might as well just be an archon himself. Aether has never used Xiao as a means of escaping something before, so I doubt Aether would use it now. Thank you for the engagement though, haha.


Aether watched the carriages stream in through the window, having to angle his head just right in order to view them coming up from the hillside. Scaramouche simply stood on the other side of the room, staring at the invitation Aether had received. Scaramouche had not been given one.

"Scaramouche, I'm sure that they already assume you're coming. I'm supposed to be a 'guest'," Aether said to him, looking back apologetically.

"Hm? I don't care that I wasn't invited," Scaramouche replied, realising that the more he denied it the more it seemed true. "Besides, you'll barely even be attending."

That was true, if everything went well. Aether had tried to help with the plan for his escape, but he didn't know much about the palace and its protocols. What he did know was that he was meant to get out unnoticed while everyone was distracted by the ball, and then make his way to the ship that they knew would depart during it, back to Liyue. He would have to travel back to Sumeru in order to find Paimon, unless she had made her way back to Mondstadt or Liyue to find someone she trusted more. Unless she had decided to travel to Snezhnaya by herself... he hoped not. He had promised her his return.

"Lana is bringing you something to wear," Scaramouche said. "I'm going to sort something out. I'll be back in a minute."

Aether nodded, moving away from the window. "Okay. Thanks."

Scaramouche glanced back at Aether. "No need to thank me," he returned, offering a small nod.

Scaramouche left, and a few moments later there was a knock on the door. Aether invited them in, and found Lana carrying some warm evening garments for him to wear. She crossed the room and laid them out on the bed, standing idly for Aether to check them.

Aether walked over, standing next to Lana and admiring the clothes. The formal white cape was adorned with golden accents and lined with fur, probably providing all the warmth he would need to go through the snowy landscape during his escape. Along with that there was a pair of loose dress pants, shiny boots and black gloves continuing the golden accents. His top was close-fitting, carrying the same star emblem Aether wore in his usual attire.

Aether turned back to Lana. "Who... who prepared this?"

"The 6th Harbinger, Traveler. He desired something warm, since you weren't yet accustomed to Snezhnaya's cold climate. He decided the rest of the design to how he imagined you would like it," Lana explained, bringing her hands together in front of her.

Aether glanced back at the clothes, some thoughts going through his mind. "I'll make sure I thank him, then. And— thank you, for bringing it here."

"It is my pleasure," Lana smiled, bowing her head slightly before turning and exiting the room.

Aether glanced back at the clothes, feeling his stomach begin to twist. He could be leaving tonight.


Scaramouche waited in the West Wing of the palace, adjusting his attire. He had visited the observatory that day to finish his planning, and hoped all would go well. It had to.

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