Forced to hurt a loved one

39 5 2

You already know what it is!!


The door was locked.

Remus remembered locking it on his way in, he was sure of it. He wouldn't have laid down on his bed next to Logan if he hadn't.

So, when Virgil slammed the door open with such force it scared the both of them, Remus was suddenly unsure if it ever actually locked in the first place.

"Does everything I say just go unnoticed to you guys?! Jesus christ!" Virgil's voice boomed in the small bedroom, the two of them immediately jumping off the bed, "Haven't I sort of, I don't know, said you guys have been spending way too much time together?" Virgil had that crazed glint in his eye that reminded Logan of the time Virgil had burnt his fingers, Logan unconsciously rubbing his fingertips together at the thought.

"You're right, I was just leaving anyway, Virgil." Logan said quickly, trying to stay calm, walking slightly too fast towards the door, only for Virgil to painfully grip his wrist, stopping Logan dead in his tracks as his breath hitched.

"No, Logan, I don't think you were leaving," Virgil yanked Logan to be infront of him, eyeing him down all while keeping the same painful grip on his wrist, "in fact, you two looked like you weren't planning on going anywhere!" Logan felt his body start to shake involuntarily, Virgil's loud voice in his face casing memories he'd rather forget to arise.

"I- well-" Logan darted his eyes around the room, scanning for something to get him out of this. But like every time, he found nothing.

Virgil gripped Logan's face, forcing him to reach Virgil's crazed eyes, "You know I hate the stuttering, bunny." Virgil hissed, leaning in too close to Logan's face who immediately shut up all together.

"You know, I was ready to pin the blame all on Remus, but now, I'm not feeling so nice." All in one movement, Virgil let go of Logan's face, replacing it with Remus' wrist, all three of them sinking down to Virgil's room all too quick.

The both of them were hit by a sudden wave of anxiety, the familiar feeling of dread settling into their stomachs.

"Well, let's cut to the chase!" Virgil said with a grin filled with nothing but malice, "Remus, I want you to give Logan a bit of a lesson for me." Remus stared at Virgil with something akin to concern and confusion.

"I don't- what do you mean?" Remus tried speaking without stuttering, the effects of Virgil's room only making it harder.

Virgil rolled his eyes, "beat your boyfriend up for me, Remus." Virgil's tone made it seem like Remus was stupid, that obviously hurting Logan was the most normal thing to do.

"What?!" Remus' eye winded as he let out a shriek, Logan's face paling, "no, what! I'm not hurting him like that!" Remus stared wide eyed at Logan who, like usual, had frozen up, scared into silence once again.

"Well, if you don't, I have other ways of dealing with him. Isn't that right, bunny?" Virgil tilted his head towards Logan who liked over for a second before letting his gaze become vacant again.

Virgil's words felt like they echoed in Remus' mind for a while, unable to bring himself to do what was being asked of him.

"I- I-" Remus tried to speak, only for tears to blur his vision.

Virgil shrugged his shoulders far too harshly, swinging his body towards Logan, "guess Remus is too selfish to get you out of something you'll hate even more." Virgil walked over to Logan, staring at him as Logan quickly met Virgil's gaze, not wanting to make the same mistake twice.

"I'll do it! I- I'll do it, just don't touch him." Remus held back a sob as Virgil walked away with a satisfied smirk on his face as Remus dragged his body towards Logan.

"That's it! I really wanna see some bruises. Oh, and some blood, too!" Remus shuddered at Virgil's unwanted remarks, staring deep into Logan's eyes, repeating a thousand apologies in his head.

Logan gave a subtle nod of his head.

With a strangled cry, Remus swung his fist into Logan's jaw with surprising strength, Logan falling back into Virgil's bed, bouncing off and onto the floor.

Logan held his face as a sharp ache throbbed through his head, avoiding eye contact with Remus, telling himself Remus would be less upset not having to look Logan straight in the eye, although Logan knew he was purely avoiding eye contact for his own sake.

Remus bit back a sob as he shut his eyes while swinging a fist straight into Logan's already red face, a repulsive crack filling the room upon Remus' first connecting with Logan's face, Remus pulling back with a hiss as he shook out his hand, failing to repress a sob as he stared at Logan who was desperately clutching his face, failing to stop the blood pouring out of his mangled nose.

Logan's hands stained red as the blood traveled in trails down his arms, eventually onto his shirt that was lacking his usual tie, too tired nowadays to bother with physical appareances.

"Woah! Good one, Remus. Almost as good as me, huh?" Virgil, complete ignorance dripping from his tone, laughed as Remus knelt down in front of Logan, grabbing of of his shoulders as he tried to lean him foward.

"Oh god Logan- I'm so sorry- lean foward or something!" Remus' wide eyes frantically scanned Logan for any other major injuries before trying to wipe some of the blood away, tears slipping down his face.

Virgil swung his foot at Remus, connecting with his stomach as Remus flew back, head hitting the ground with a thump.

"C'mon Re, you're far from done! Put on a show!" Virgil practically cheered, grabbing Logan by the back of the neck as he thrusted him foward, Logan letting out a cry as he knocked his nose on the floor.

"Just do what he says." Logan rasped out, Remus getting shivers down his spine, gathering the limited strength he had left to land a blow into Logan's stomach, Logan's body contracting as he involuntarily curled in on himself.

Remus hurled himself to his feet, kicking his foot into Logan's side, sobbing in defeat as Logan let out a particularly loud cry, hugging Logan as the two of them cried together.

"I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry." Remus whispered through the continuous tears, half hugging Logan, weary of the injuries Remus himself had caused.

"Oh my god, how sad! The two rejects comforting eachother!" Virgil cackled, finding the situation far funnier than it should've been.

The both of them ignored Virgil, tangled in eachothers limbs as cries began to quiet down.

"I guess you did what I asked of you..." Virgil said, "proves you aren't completely useless after all!" Virgil gave a 'playful' kick to Remus' side, the other whining in response.

"Let this be a lesson, Re! Next time, it'll be the both of us up against Logan, and I think we both know it would not end well for him." Virgil snickered, and Logan died inside a little bit more.

All Remus had to do was not screw up.

That was alot to ask of from the literal embodiment of intrusive thoughts.


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