Semi conscious

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Yo sorry to anyone's who's getting sick of this AU. I'll make the next oneshot something else for some diversity.

But for those who like it, enjoy some Roman whump!! Sorta.


Roman officially couldn't look at Virgil the same anymore.

He already suspected something horrible was happening for months before hand, he just never had any proof. That was up until recent events.

Roman had quite litterally become the proof he needed to confirm that Virgil was a monster.

Virgil had left Roman all alone in the anxiety ridden room, Roman unsuccessfully able to fight off a panic attack while he was gone, only able to make an effort to leave after an hour of fighting back endless waves of fear.

Looking at the gashes that littered his neck, he instantly summoned his brother, who assisted Roman in sinking out to his own room, shortly after summoning Logan after Remus patched Roman up the best he could.

Logan sighed when he felt the tug of being summoned, hoping it wasn't his host, or worse, Virgil.

Logan composed himself, letting himself rise up to whoever was summoning him.

To say his heart stopped beating when he saw what was infront of him would be an understatement. Logan was sure he died.

"No." Was all Logan could manage to get out as he ran to Roman, inspecting the partially blood soaked bandages and a Roman who looked to be on the verge of passing out giving him a lazy smile, wincing as he tried to sit more upright.

"I didn't think he would bring him into this." Logan whispered, feeling tears pool in his eyes, "he said he had no interest whatsoever!" Logan looked to Remus who appeared to be feeling the same way as Roman, repressing the urge to break down in front of them both.

Remus swallowed, "he took the blame for me. Said he couldn't handle all the abuse we were going through, so he had to do something." Logan gave a look laced with sadness to Remus before looking back to Roman who had been listening in all while trying to stay still.

"It was the least I could do!" Roman said, eyes fluttering shut for a second, "though I must say, this stinging has been getting alot worse." Roman said as he let his head drift off to the side, Logan taking this as his sign to get to work, rummaging through the first aid kit in search of stitches.

"I did what I could, but thought I'd leave the nitty gritty up to you, seeing as I screwed up so bad last time." Logan hummed in response, not fully listening as he focused on getting done before Roman passed out, summoning strong painkillers to give to Roman.

"Here," he dropped them into Roman's hand, "take these and pray I know what I'm doing."

The stitches almost hurt more than the actual cuts themselves did.

Seeing as Roman took the painkillers far too late, he felt just about everything, passing out not even halfway through the second stitch.

With the last stiched, Logan tied it off and cut the string, dressing the wounds and sighing as he leaned back, shortly after flipping onto Roman's bed as he discarded his glasses, rubbing his hands along his face.

Logan felt a weight next to him as Remus held his hand, rubbing his fingers over Logan's knuckles, "I guess you weren't expecting this tonight, were you?" Remus said with a shallow laugh, rolling over and propping his head up with his hand, "I'm sorry I dragged you out here. You were probably resting."

Logan rolled over to face Remus, cupping his face, rubbing a thumb over his cheekbone, "Don't ever apologize when someone is in need. You know I'll drop whatever I'm doing to come and help." Logan gave Remus a warm smile, pressing a kiss to his forehead, lying on the bed together and they both let everything process.

Neither of them moved for awhile until they heard a groan on the ground next to them, both of them immediately sitting up.

"We really should've moved him when he was asleep." Remus said as they both watched Roman slowly wake, Logan crouching in front of Roman as he opened his eyes.

"What-" Roman hissed as he looked down at his chest, deflating a bit as everything came back to him.

"Try not to make any sudden moves. Those stiches are going to irritate you for awhile, but you've just gotta make do." Logan went over to help Roman stand up, Remus rushing over straight after, putting both arms under him as helping him stand.

"Hah, could be worse, right?" Roman said with a weak laugh, wincing as he did so, "nope, nevermind, laughing is off limits for now."

Roman let himself be led to his bed, exhaustion settled in his bones as he felt like his knees would give out at any second.

Once situated on his bed, Logan excused himself, saying he was off to find something for Roman to eat, leaving the twins to sit in silence for a while.

"You shouldn't have done that, y'know. I know how to handle it, you don't." Remus looked to Roman who was propped up by multiple fluffy looking pillows, "just promise me that next time you won't do something like that again."

"I-" Roman went to protest, only to stop when Remus interrupted him.

"Promise me. I can't see you get hurt like this again." There was a few beats of silence before Roman reluctantly nodded his head, Remus audibly letting a breath out.

"Doesn't mean I won't cuss Virgil out when I get the chance."


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