Bloody clothes

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"Care to explain what all that was?" Janus felt himself jump at the sight of the side who had just sunk out in a sulk waiting for him in his room, Janus not wanting to think about how he managed to get in.

"Might I ask what brings you here?" Janus quickly composed himself, smoothing out his shirt as he eyed Roman from across the room, appearing to not be holding up as well as he would've liked.

Roman's outfit was unclipped at the top, usually tidy hair, an unkept mess, topped off with a red face.

"What brings me here? What do you think brought me here?! Insulting me like that? How dare you!" Roman seethed, storming over to Janus, "and don't even get me started on that middle school librarian shit. I mean, who the hell is named Janus anyway!" Roman exclaimed, throwing his arms up for good measure, almost closing the space between the two.

Janus tilted his head to the side, "right, because insulting my one way of showing you all that I'm telling the truth is something worth making fun of." Janus snapped back at Roman, staring into his bloodshot eyes as he shook with anger.

"You were not telling the truth! How could you when all you are is a disgusting liar!" Roman exclaimed, ending his sentence with a harsh shove to Janus' chest, the other stumbling back a few steps as Roman gained on him.

"Don't even think of- '' Janus couldn't finish his sentence as all of a sudden a fist collided with his face, sending him spiralling onto the ground, gripping his face as a metallic taste filled his mouth.

"Shut up. I can't stand your voice any longer." Roman hissed, landing a kick to Janus' side, the other grunting out in pain as he tried to curl in on himself, failing to protect himself from the second kick Roman graced his body with.

Janus coughed, right side of his body aching, a constant reminder of Roman's boot in his side, "all of this-" a sharp breath, "because you're too insecure to realise I'm telling the truth." Janus' gasped, staring up at Roman as the other clenched his jaw, gabbing Janus by the hair, yanking him up to meet Roman's harsh glare, a yelp escaping Janus.

"Don't you dare call me insecure!" Roman hissed in Janus' face, "I know how you like to think you're more sophisticated than others, so I hope this comes as one good wake up call." A crack filled the room, the feeling of blood gushed over Janus as he brought frantic gloved hands to his face, gingerly holding his nose.

"What is wrong with you?!" Janus shrieked, glaring up at Roman as he tried to stand up, falling back over as he was hit with a sudden wave of lightheadedness.

Roman let out an evil, mocking laugh, clapping his hands as if it were some astounding performance, "Look at you! Here I thought I'd never see a sight this good!" Roman cackled, crouching down and harshly gripping Janus' face, tightly gripping the wrist of the hand that was trying to bat Roman away.

Roman studied Janus'' blood covered face, grinning when he winced as Roman moved his face too roughly, admiring the crooked way Janus' nose sat on his bruising face.

"You wouldn't make a bad plaything." Roman murmured, almost like he was thinking out loud, Janus tensing up before his expression shifted into one of rage, trying to break free from Roman's grip.

"Ah ah ah! Not so fast, snakey. I'm not done looking." Roman smiled tauntingly, Janus still struggling in his hold, Roman's fingers beginning to make Janus' face ache alongside the bruises that were blooming on his body.

"Get your hands off me." Janus spat, "save your sadistic tendencies for someone else." He hissed, only for Roman to laugh at him.

"Not tendencies." Roman winked, finally letting go of Janus' face who immediately scrambled back, putting a good distance between the two before Janus struggled to his feet.

The blood that was before gushing out of his nose was now down to a slow stream, clutching his side as every part of his body ached.

"I must say, you took that very well." Roman clapped, Janus screwing up his face, "might have to make a regular thing of it, hm?" he said, stalking over to Janus, the other warily backing up as he eyed Roman.

"Just one quick thing to add," A hand shot out to Janus' throat, "never insult me again. I am above you. I need you to realise that." Roman whispered with malice, lips grazing against Janus' ear as he shivered under the touch.

Roman let go with a pat to Janus' human side of his face, smiling as he sunk out.

Janus breathed out, clutching his rib is an attempt to stop the pain that pulsed through his body.

"I am above you."

Roman's words played on repeat in Janus' head. What an absolute joke. Only something as egotistical as that would come from Roman.

Summoning an ice pack, Janus let himself flop onto his bed, trying to guess how long he would take to fully heal.

That was if Roman didn't decide to use him again.

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