17 was back in the cold room. After leading the troops through the tunnels. They had encountered another enemy. One that was new, but not a surprise. Right as the amphibian spotted soldiers had arrived so did more marines. These marines knew exactly what they were hunting. The Hishquten were no match for the onslaught of soldiers hyped on xeno as well as armed with subzero hydro blasters. A weapon so cold it would have bitten off the limbs of humans with its frost bitten teeth.

The ambush, although bloody, was quick. That night 17 lead more than just the troops to the facility. Leading more creatures to their death and next to her was the Hunter. He was passed out with no more weapons attached only scientist gazing at the door with their clipboards and pen protectors, again and always. It was silent. Then it was not, all Hell broke loose. The male roared fiercely and struggled to stand. And when he did everyone leapt back, knocking over important vials and pressing the red button. The room opened its glass jaws and released a torrent of rage. The Yautja was blinded by rage, filled with revenge, but weak. He had been poked and prodded for answers, answers he could not supply but his body could. Dissection seemed to follow the amphibian race like Frankenstein and Franklin. It was not till the last scientist was killed and the Aliens back turned did the doors open for a doomsayers shower of soldiers to rain down on him.

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