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17 woke up to purring and it was coming from above her. And she remembered the popsicle. Peeling her eyes open she knew no why she had awoken, the guy was squishing her, laying on top of her like she was a queen sized bed! "Hey! Winter solider! Can't breathe under your 5,000 pound freezer ass!" His grip just seemed to get tighter, at least she knew she succeeded, when a cold blooded animal got heat, it heated up, but only for a little, but 17 knew the cold had dropped. They were going to a new situation, or he was. She hated scientist, they were such perverts. They had pulled an Edward Cullen on them, watching them sleep as she tried to save his life, well did save his life.

Unwinding her limbs she pushed on his chest, trying to be careful. 17 found she really didn't want him to wake up with an Ooman near his "godly" self. But nothing ever leaps her way and she poked him on the inside of his mouth, pulling on the mandible. Instead of leaping awake and off her like she expected, a growling purr erupted from his chest and his eyes opened.

Kaang was warm, and the warmth was under him. So warm, it felt so good to finally have the feeling back in his body. That is till he felt a quick stab and yank on his mandible, instantly a growl erupted from him and he stared at the offender. It was the Ooman, the female. She was the one that had saved his life, twice now. And she was warm, he didn't know Oomans could feel so good, all he knew is yes they had a big heat signature, but right now she was a red figure. Kaang knew the female was staring, she was unsure, but the Yautja saw he was practically leaning on her with all his weight, not a good thing. The heat that had raced through him like a love bug when the woman pulled on his mandible was enough to release a sensual growl that would have had any male blushing, but Kaang figured she did not know and he did not want her to know.

She let out a cute growl and tried to push him off and Kaang got the hint, first he bent down and nuzzles the females neck, expressing his deepest thanks, she had saved his life, given up her warmth he was probably very cold to her and still is.

Finally the male got off her more reluctant than she would have liked, Kaang noticed.

17 went to her side and Kaang stayed on his. And then the staring into each others souls started, waiting for the next step.

Food arrived and this time with a note. The predator was clueless, he motioned towards it. The woman went out on a limb and signed to him if course it was like trying to communicate with a brick wall, so instead began their time making up a way to communicate.

Days went by and still nothing happened that is till the heat started to rise everyday. It got to the point where even Kaang felt it, the Heat.

17 was ready to tear her skin off, she was sweating all over the place, she felt bad for Kaang having to live with her sweaty stench, he seemed to always take a whiff of air. The Yautja could at least be modest about it!

Kaang was not prepared for the Ooman to release sweet pheromones when she got hot. He knew when male Oomans were running or scared they always released pheromones, it was odd. Kaang came to an unsettling assumption, when humans sweated they released pheromones. It always confused him how they caught mates, the males and females must run around and prove their skill while releasing the induced scent. And right now it wasn't good. The heat with 17's pheromones had begun his own bodies temperature rise. It was mating season and the female smelt so very good.

17 just watched as Kaang laid down in his corner for most of the days while 17 turned into a puddle, she was worried the heat was to much. The only way to cool him down was to spit on him and she didn't think he wanted that so instead she hauled her feet up and stalked over. "Kaang. Kaang are you okay?" 17 was cautious to touch him, but she laid her hand on his forehead and shook him awake.

The Yautja was a mess. He could hear 17 and feel her as she placed her hand on his forehead. It took all his will to not turn on the female. He couldn't help himself as he clasped her arm and licked the sweat away.

"Ew! Let go of me. Kaang!" She raised her palm and yanked on his hair, hissing at him. The effects were instantaneous. The predator leapt up off the ground like he was on fire and roared at 17. She roared back, they were both stubborn. But this was a roar she had never heard. It was like the growling purr, but with more force and intention. He charged, 17 leapt out of the way and signed for him to stop, she hadn't meant any offense, you just don't lick someone. Eyes were coated in a haze as he threw himself at the female again, hopping she would accept and fight back. Finally it became too much, 17 had to knock the motherfucker right on his ass if he was going to stop, and that's exactly what she did.

Squaring up he charged she evaded, punching his sides and twisting up to his neck. He knocked her off and this time grabbed her by the throat. 17 brought her elbows up to break his grip, but it was iron. She reached for his eyes and this time she brought her legs up. Kaang did not drop her, he was not going to let her go. 17 swung her legs up, wrapped them around his throat and launched him backwards, knocking Kaang on his ass. She fought back. So Kaang allowed her to win and showed submission to the female, to show her she was the one in control of him, had accepted him.

Accepted him! No! Kaang growled and pried the ooman off, he couldn't do this! 17 did not know what she was doing, that proved his theory as she growled at him and signed angrily. She was not happy.

Kaang felt horrible, this is how he treats someone that saved his life twice! Then fog started to cloud the room, the white fog. It brought the both of them to their knees. Kaang looked over at her, one more glance before they went under.

17 easily forgave her friend, and covered a wound he had made, Kaang looked guilty about it, but she didn't care, when they came up that was what the worry was going to be placed in.

Kaang awoke, his body hummed angrily. It wanted the companionship of his female. And glancing around he grew furious, outraged! 17 was gone!

Growling the predator stood up and started to pace. He didn't know what to do! He needed her back! She was bleeding because if him! She was hurt! He wanted her back, Kaang already missed his friend. He could just break--

"Kaang!" His head snapped up to meet the eyes of his female. She was back in her cage. The glass wall separating them, again.

"Kaang! Whats wrong?"

He couldn't tell her. Couldn't sign to her his dilemma. 17 would be furious if she knew and Kaang respected her. So instead he sat down by the glass separating them, enjoying the little heat her body could provide through his cage, it was enough to calm him. Enough to satisfy him, for now. Kanng could only worry about the future.

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