"17! Clear a path. We're heading back to base." The Sargent connected eyes with the broken woman. He had been on a handful of missions with the experiment in tow. He felt for her, he did. But everyone had a bad life and everyone needed money. Browne would do anything to get what he can for his family. They had died in the first strike, when no one, but drug companies knew what the monster under the bed could do. It was a dog eat dog world. Some were just chased by bigger dogs, the pure breeds.
17 was cautious. She could see whisps of black slinking into tunnels above them. And she knew whatever else was attacking the nest would have to be an Archangel, with Azreals blade in tow or else no one would survive. Looking behind where the soliders were, the woman sped forth, avoiding all of the sizzling and corrosive blood that leaked from the bodies of many Xenos. Looking close, gashes were seen, gashes that could slice through a 3,000 pound steel door. 17 smelt the air and caught a glimpse of blood that was not burning a hole in the nest, this blood looked like a kid had bitten down on a glowstick and allowed it to splatter all over the black carpet. This was not a good sign at all.

Hello. It has been awhile since I have posted a story. That is because I enjoy writing the stories just for me and when I hit a block on a story I just stop writing that story. Sometimes I come back to it. But none of my stories will ever be completed. It is because I can not write romantic or lusty scenes because I have never been in that situation so I stop wrintg because I do not know how to proceed. But I will give you what I had been attempting to write for this story. Because I do love this story. So sorry If there are many mistakes. I did not look it over, as I said I write these stories for me so they can get messy.

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