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4. Saturdates

Jisoo was late at her book club since she was almost up all night texting.

They are a small group so almost all of them are part of the committee.

J: [sorry I overslept.. but I'll definitely go to school]

Jennie texted.

T: [practice game at 2:00PM, gym, see you]

Taehyung texted.

She sigh.

"I see our secretary is quiet a busy bee today..." Doyoung said as Jisoo simply put her phone away.

"Annoy me and I wont introduce you to my friend." She replied to him.

"Ha! As if you'll have a friend we dont know." He said in return, positive that Jisoo is too lazy to actually go out and make new friends.

Jisoo pouted. "Its Kim Jennie, we're classmates and she will be hanging with me today."

Not just Doyoung, but almost all the people's eyes poped up.

"So it is true that the popular kids are invading us.." Doyoung said. "Oh no!! They're recruiting you??"

"What are you being so dramatic about?" Jisoo said.

"I mean, for sure they'll have a hard time with you and your mean words, but they just might tolerate you in exchange for your beauty.." Doyoung said.

"How dare you!" Jisoo said as Doyoung laughed.

They talked about some activities and the upcoming volunteer works that almost all of them signed up.

This year, they will be helping with building houses for the less fortunate.

They finished at around 11:30PM. Some stay at the library to finish their school work while some went away to do other stuff. It is a Saturday after all.

She stretched and texted Jennie to ask where she is, thinking also if she should go see Taehyung's practice game.

Ughh.. should she go? She had no idea what to say to him.

She ate lunch and around 2PM Jennie texted that she just arrived.

"Jisoo!!!" Jennie excitedly waves at her as they met by the hallways. "Thanks for meeting me. I hope your not too busy"

"Its nothing, we just finish with some club activities." Jisoo said and introduce Jennie to Doyoung.

They could hear the cheering from the gym.

"Is there a game today?" Jennie said.

"I think there's a practice match." She replied, supressing her curiosity.

"Lets check it out!" Jennie said as she skips to the gym, dragging Jisoo.

"I thought you guys have a study session?" Doyoung whispered.

"I thought so too.. you better come with me." Jisoo said dragging Doyoung along.

If she's gonna be an awkward mess, it will be together with her introverted people. Though Doyoung is the friendliest of all of them in their club.


It was only a practice game with the nearby school but it seems a lot of students came to watch.

Taehyung coolly ran around doing his part in the team, his head was blank.

This is just another ordinary boring day for him.

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